What does the word philosophy mean?
love for wisdom
Define Aesthetics
The value of art, beauty, the natural world and how we perceive it
Define Faith
Faith is to have knowledge and a strong trust and confidence
Define deductive argument
An argument where the conclusion is certain and logically follows from the premises
What are the three types of fallacies
Define Philosophical Argument
Arguments that present reasoned beliefs for the purpose of discovering the truth
Define Ethics
An attempt to understand the meaning of living a morally good life
Define Reason
Reason is the ability to think logically, analyze ideas, and draw conclusions based on evidence
Define a valid argument
An argument is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises
What is a fallacy?
A flaw or fault in an argument
Define the Socratic Method
A questioning technique used to acquire knowledge and challenge ideas
Define Egoism
A person who only acts in their own interests and desires to fulfill their own selfish goals
What does the Church say about faith and reason?
It is compatible
Define critical thinking
The ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and objective manner to form reasoned judgments
What does presumption fallacies mean?
Making an assumption without any justification
How are philosophy and science connected?
Both share a desire to understand ideas such as the human mind to the mysteries of the world. They examine the world using different methods and by combining both schools of thought a more complete understanding of our world can be achieved
Define human nature
Characteristics or qualities that make human beings different from anything else
What are Platos 3 parts of the soul?
What are the 3 laws of thought
Law of Identity
Law of non contradiction
Law of the Excluded middle
Which fallacy is this an example of?
"Everyone is talking about this new movie, so it must be amazing!"
Appeal to Popularity
Why do People Study Philosophy? (hint 4 reasons)
Maslow's Theory of Human Development
Human Desire to ask Questions and to Know
Philosophy and Autonomy
Philosophy and Science
Name 3 reasons why it is important to ask questions
Knowing how to express our ideas effectively
Develop listening skills
Develop critical thinking skills
Develop problem solving skills.
List the 3 of the 7 characteristics of faith
Make a deductive, valid, sound argument
What 4 fallacies are under ambiguity