What does MYOB stand for?
Why is it necessary to ignore when peers are causing problems in the classroom?
A. It is very easy to ignore things.
B. As long as you don't react, it's not your problem.
C. Staff told you to.
D. You should all know how to ignore loud noises by now.
B. As long as you don't react, it's not your problem.
What staff member hates every New York sports team?
Mr. Isaiah
What are the classroom rules?
Be respectful, be responsible, be your best.
What does A.R.T. stand for?
Anger Replacement Training
When does teasing go too far?
A. When the person getting teased askes everyone else to stop.
B. When people start name-calling
C. When the teasing involves a sensitive topic (appearance, intelligence, etc.)
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What is a silver lining to a bad situation?
A positive event related to something negative that happened.
What color is Miss Wendy's water bottle?
To be respectful means to be respectful towards:
A. People
B. The classroom
C. Yourselves
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What do we call "Anger Reducers" in the classroom?
Coping Skills
What kind of statement do people use when expressing their feelings in a calm, respectful manner?
"I" statements.
Anger could cause very serious health problems if it is experienced too often and too long every day, such as:
A. Headaches
B. Blindness
C. Singultus
D. Photosynthesis
What two pets does Miss Sarah have? They are both the same kind of pet.
Guinea Pigs (Big Pepe and Little Pepe)
Give two examples of being responsible while in school.
Whatever you guys said as long as it's right.
You see a classmate that is angry. You attempt to use the skill "Dealing with Another's Anger" to help them calm down. The classmate starts to yell at you, use curse words, and ball up their fists. What is the best choice to make?
Walk Away.
________ is the ability to focus on what is within your control, and accept what is out of your control.
A. Sympathy
B. Discipline
C. Self-control
D. Mindfulness
C. Self-control
What does the idiom "Don't bite the hand that feeds" mean?
If someone is doing kind things for you, don't be rude to them.
What is one job Mr. Randy worked before this?
Janitor, groundskeeper, research assistant, pizza cook, dishwasher, line cook, gardener.
What is the purpose of a lap?
A. To take a movement break
B. To socialize and speak with everyone you come across because it's fun
C. To calm down if you are becoming upset with an issue in the classroom
D. Answers A and C
E. All of the above
D. Answers A and C
What are the two types of triggers?
Internal and External.
What are the 4 types of social cues?
1. Body Language
2. Facial Expressions
3. Personal Space
4. Tone of Voice
How would someone know they have a problem with their anger?
A. When I am crying
B. When I am quietly dealing with it and not causing a scene
C. When my anger causes other people to feel sad or hurt
D. When I begin using coping skills
C. When my anger causes other people to feel sad or hurt
How many cups does Miss Karina own?
When is it necessary to be respectful towards others?
List the entire Anger Control Cycle.
Triggers, Cues, Anger Reducers, Reminders, Thinking Ahead (Consequences), Self-Evaluation