what does Tuesday translate to in Italian?
What is martedi?
What month is Christmas?
What is Dicembre?
What is the future tense of fa bel tempo?
What is Fara bel tempo?
What is lazy in Italian?
How do you say hello in italian?
What is ciao?
what is the day after venerdi in Italian?
What is sabato?
What month does school end?
What is giugno?
What is the past tense of Sara tempestoso?
What is Era tempestoso?
What is active in Italian?
What is attivo?
How do you say how are you in italian?
What is come stai?
what is the first day of the week in italian?
What is lunedi?
What month is Halloween?
What is Octobre?
What is the future tense of fa Fredo?
What is Fara Fredo?
What is generous in Italian?
What is generoso?
How do you say what is your name in Italian?
What is come to chiami?
what day do you go to church?
What is Domenica?
What month is New Year's Eve?
What is Gennaio?
What is Ci Sole?
How do you say old in Italian?
What is vecchia?
How do you say what are you doing today?
What is Cosa stai facendo oggi?
What day is the start of the school week?
What is lunedi?
What month is Thanksgiving?
What is Novembre?
What is the future tense of Piovera?
What is Piovera?
What is muscoloso forte?
How do you say have a nice day in italian?