People in the book
Lifestyle in Yemen
Choices & Consequences

Brother of Nujood who is thought to be lost forever

Who is Fares


Large cloth spread out on floor used as table as mealtimes

What is sofrah?


what many children in Yemn, including Nujood's brothers and cousins, do to earn money

What is beg or sell gum on street corners


list a challenge that Shada, Nujood's lawyer faces fighting for women's rights, hard in a country that has not accepted women's rights

What is recieves threats?


Trembling, I discreetly latch on to the first passing veil, hoping to get the attention of the unknown woman it conceals.

What does the word discreetly mean in this sentence from Chapter 1?

 showing prudence and self-restraint; modest


Sister of Nujood who is attacked while alone and forced to marry

Who is Mona?


decorations painted on brides' arms and hands are made of this

What is henna?


Ceremonial dagger symbol of authority, manhood, and prestige; handle indicates social status



List one of the reasons why Nujood's brothers are against her divorce

What is they feel she has shamed the family, hate the media attention, feel it is wrong to have gotten a divorce, worry about sharaf...


It’s full of people, and at the far end, behind a desk, a thin-faced man with a mustache busily replies to the barrage of questions coming at him from all directions. 

What does the word barrage mean as used in this sentence from chapter 1?

an overwhelming outpouring, as of words


Nujood's 'pet sister' who is close to her and Nujood looks out for

Who is Haifa?


word that means black veil that all married women must wear.

What is niqab


tragedies that Nujood's father had to endure

What is betrayal by his village, daughter was raped and had to marry her to protect honor, was poor


List a positive consequence in Nujood's life that is a result of her choice to divorce

What is no longer beaten, returns to live with family, returns to school, helps inspire other young girls to get divorces from arranged marriage


I remember only that right after their mysterious disappearance, which I would come to understand only much later, Mona became capricious and moody again. 

What does the word capricious mean as used in this sentence from Chapter 2. 

 characterized by or subject to whim


Nujood's mother

Who is Shoya or Omma?


word that means honor, what Nujood's father and brothers are worried about

What is sharaf?


a specific Muslim month, long fast, from morning until night

What is Ramadan


List the impact that Nujood's divorce decision had on other girls in Yemen and the region

What is Others able to get divorces, laws changed to raise marriage age in numerous countries, other countries recognize young marriage damaging.


Heartsick, Mona had fought like a tigress to keep her children, and her tenacity had brought her a partial victory: pleading the necessity of nursing her baby son, she managed to hold on to him.

What does the word tenacity mean in this sentence from Chapter 4?

 holding persistently, such as a point of view


Aunt or second wife who helps Nujood by giving her money to get to the courthouse.

Who is Dowla?


the name of the holy book of Islam that Muslims study

What is the Koran?


who is granted a good education in Yemen

What is usually only weathly men, rarely women


List the magazine that granted Nujood the title of Woman of the year

What is Glamour?


She slipped two hundred rials into my hand, the entire pittance -- worth barely a dollar -- she’d managed to beg that very morning at a neighboring intersection. 

What does the word pittance mean as used in this sentence from Chapter 6? 

a very small amount
