How many minutes are in 1 hour?
60 minutes are in 1 hour.
What do you skip-count by with the numbers on the clock?
You skip-count by 5's.
What time is it if the hour hand is on the 9 and the minute hand is on the 5?
It is 9:05.
What time is it if the hour hand is in between the 7 and 8, and the minute hand is on the 10?
It is 7:50.
What is the difference between an analog clock and a digital clock?
Which one is the minute hand?
Which one is the hour hand?
Which had do you read first?
The minute hand is the long hand.
The hour hand is the short hand.
You read the hour hand first.
40 minutes.
If recess starts at 1:20, where are the hour and minute hands located on the clock?
The hour hand is located on the 1, or just past it, and the minute hand is on the 4.
Mrs. Kathryn goes to Taco Bell at 5:30 PM. What are two ways to name the time shown?
A five thirty or quarter past five
B five thirty or half past five
C five thirty or quarter until 6
D five thirty or half past 5
B five thirty or half past five