Why is the sky blue?
sunlight of all colors passes through air, the blue part causes charged particles to oscillate faster than does the red part with more of the sunlight entering the atmosphere is blue than violet, however, and our eyes are somewhat more sensitive to blue light than to violet light, so the sky appears blue.
what was project 1
What is Deku's Quirk?
One for All
What is the best anime of all time
Cory in the House
what is the little pocket inside your pocket on your jeans?
it was made for a pocket watch but it now it's just kinda there
what was project 2
Who did naruto and sasuke fight at the end of the series
What was a good meme that i miss alot
Bongo Cat
who is the teacher for broadcast news
ms clarke
Who bonks people who are doing the no no
Who is the "Black Mask" from Persona 5
Goro Akechi
what color is the sun?
While reflecting all color, it reflects green the most meaning that the sun is green
What is the most used name/ most canon name for Joker from persona
Ren Amamiya