If you wear gloves to clean up blood from equipment, you should still wash your hands afterwards.
What is True?
The type of paperwork to be filled out for an exposure to blood or body fluids.
What is a Worker's Comp form?
All members will be offered this within 30 days of active membership.
What is Hepatitis B vaccine?
Four examples of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
What are gloves, gowns, goggles, face shield, booties?
OPIM is the abbreviation for this.
What is Other Potentially Infectious Material.
How you should dispose of contaminated sharps, such as needles of glass, that have come in contact with blood.
What is place them in an appropriate sharps container?
The persons that you should report an exposure of blood or body fluids to.
What is the Chief, Health & Safety Officer, or EMS Captain?
The number of days Hepatitis can live outside the body.
What is 7 days?
Immediately after being exposed to blood or body fluids, this should be done.
What is wash the are with soap and water?
List 4 types of OPIM.
What are saliva w/visible blood, semen, vaginal secretions, amniotic fluid, CSF, pleural fluid, synovial fluid, peritoneal fluid.
The ratio of water to bleach used to clean hard surfaces.
What is 10 parts of water to 1 part of bleach?
The timeframe to complete documentation of any exposure.
What is immediately?
The organ that Hepatitis affects.
What is the liver?
Proper procedure to dispose of contaminated materials.
What is double bagged and labeled with a "Biohazard" label?
The three most common BBPs.
What are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV?
The time to let bleach solution dry on solid surface to be considered decontaminated.
What is 10 minutes?
The individuals needed to complete annual BBP training and documentation on file.
What is every active roster member?
The effectiveness of the Hepatitis vaccine is from preventing infection.
What is 95%?
Areas of the body that have a higher potential exposure possibility.
What are eyes, mouth, nose, cuts, and open skin areas (abrasions and chapped)?
The most infectious Bloodborne Pathogen.
What is Hepatitis B?
The four steps for cleaning up a small blood spill.
What are don gloves, wipe up the spill, disinfect the area, and dispose of all exposed supplies in a biohazard container?
This will be made available to all members who incur an exposure incident.
What is post exposure evaluation follow up at not cost to the member?
Hepatitis B is __ more infectious than HIV.
What is 50-100x?
Where the exposed individual can go to receive testing an treatment.
What is their choice of medical facilities?
Number of years to keep confidential medical records.
What is the duration of the membership plus 30 years