What is water made out of
2 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen
Mom's Least Favorite Person in the entire world
Donald Trump
What is Mom's Favorite DCI Band
Santa Clara Vanguard
What kind of cheese is famous for being moldy
Blue Cheese
How much of the world is covered by water
The 2nd President of the United States of MURICA
John Adams
What was the name of Liberty's Marching Show this year
Bird of Prey
What Country is famous for CHEEEESE
What year was the book "The Lorax" written
How much of the worlds water is fresh water
Who was the first Republican President
Abraham Lincoln
What DCI Band has won the most amount of Championships
Blue Devil
What many pounds of milk does it take to make 1 pound of CHEEEEESe
10 pounds
What war was entitled "The War to end all wars"
World War I
What is the boiling point of water
100 celcius
212 fahrenheit
What President was in office during World War I
Woodrow Wilson
What year did Century get their highest score
What state is 25% of cheese made in
What is the worlds favorite number
Hot water can freeze faster than cold water under some conditions, what is this effect called
Mpemba effect
What US President said they like memes
What Marching Show is considered Century's Best Show
Why is Cheddar Cheese Orange
Dyed with Annatto seeds
What Continent did all humans originate from