Things You can say at work and in bed
(Fill in the Blanks)
_ N _ _ D _ _ R _ _ K
I need a break
You got a friend in me
Toy Story
To postpone something to a later time
When I take my pills all my friends disappear
3 Word Phrase when you are slightly disappointed
Is _ _ _ _ _ _?
Is that it?
You say this when you are available
I _ A _ _ O M _ _ N _ _ _ M E
I can come anytime
It is better down where it is wetter
The Little Mermaid
This term is used when you make someone believe something happened when it did not.
A chronic mental disorder that makes you feel high highs and low lows.
Bipolar Disorder
When you like certain things or people more than others
Having a preference
Question you ask if the camera is on.
I_ _h_ s _e i _ g r_ _ o r d _ d?
Is this being recorded?
Well, I think you need to be more ... flexible
The Incredibles
This slang term can be used when you know something isn't going to happen, but you lie to yourself in belief it might happen
A mental health condition that involves unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviours
4 Words you should never say to your significant other when you are right.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I told you so
How did you hear about this about this _____?
_ H _ _ R _ _ B _ _T T _ _S
P _ _ _ _ _ON _ N _ _NE
I learned about this position online
I need somebody that can handle him .... as a man
In the show "The office" Dwight mentions that this substance is a "Memory Loss Drug"
In a South Park Episode, Cartman could not stop cursing because of this neurological disorder which causes involuntary movement or vocalization
If I see someone with a concerning amount of partners, I would use say that they are
F _ _ _ H _ s t _ _ _ _ s
For the streets
When you are very excited
_ H _ S _ _ S _ T _ _ N
G _ _ _ T _ Y I N _ _ R _ _ _ S
M _
This position Greatly Interests me
Foot size doesn't matter
When someone intentionally or subconsciously undermines their own goals
In the show "The Crowded Room" where Tom Holland takes backshots, he is shown to have this disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder or split personality
Borderline Personality Disorder not acceptable
This 6 letter word is used to describe someone who is constantly finding fault and criticizes others
N _ G G E R