"AT" Symbol
This Texas Instrument was very popular in math classes
You might ask one of these names to answer questions for you
Siri, Alexa, or Cortana
Hint - also the shortened name for appetizers
This popular website can help you search for anything
Rhymes with frugal
Before we used computers and keyboards, we typed on these
Television, Stereo, DVD player, lights, fans...
This type of photo became very popular when people started using cell phones.
Hint - when you hold the camera up to your face
A popular website that people use for shopping - they just had their prime days
"WIFI" Symbol
Before DVD's Blu-Ray and 4K we used to watch videos on these
VHS Tapes
Nintendo Switch or Wii, XBOX, Playstation
People use these to listen to movies, games, videos, and music
headphones, airbuds, airpods
This website is just like the TV channel and can tell you about the weather all around the world
the weather channel
If you wanted to save something from your computer, you would use this type of disk
Hint- it rhymes with poppy
floppy disk
While you are sitting on the couch, you could be surfing the web on one of these
Cell phones are very helpful when you are traveling, what are the 3 letters that we call this service
We use this website to watch videos during our Thursday Zoom session
"SEARCH" Symbol
Before Spotify, Pandora, and smart phones, people used to "walk" around and listen to music on...
A walkman
Streaming services like Netflix are very popular - can you name other streaming services?
Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime, YouTube, HBOMax
Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, TikTok
Which website are we all using right now to see one another