This mountain range that was formed by the collision of the Indian subcontinent with Asia includes the tallest mountain in the world, Everest.
What are the Himalayas?
This metallic named seat in Game of Thrones gets its moniker from the swords that it is made of.
What is the Iron Throne?
Made popular by Among Us, tweens use this word when they are wary of someone.
What is Sus?
I deserve to lead this company. The boss' son is a drunken burnout moron, and repeating school for a few months won't make him magically able to do this job.
What is Billy Madison?
A word that can mean exactly
Frozen water
Fair or equal treatment, or what a criminal receives from the court system
What is Justice?
These mountains in Western and Central Europe are popular with skiers and includes Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn.
What are the Alps?
The Chrysanthemum Throne is the seat of the Yamato dynasty of this country, which has ruled for millennia though largely as figureheads.
What is Japan?
This word meaning style, charm, or attractiveness comes from "charisma".
What is Rizz?
How dare this American professor interfere with our archaeological dig! The Fuhrer won't be pleased if we come back from Egypt empty-handed.
What is Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark?
An article used to denote a noun that is already known
A person who commits sexual crimes
Someone who you pay to listen to your problems and find solutions
What is a Therapist?
This range that spans many South American countries including Peru and Argentina was the home of the Inca Empire.
What are the Andes?
The throne sat in by the Mughal emperors of Hindustan was named for this flamboyant animal, modern India's national bird.
What is a Peacock?
This catch-all word originating in a Youtube series about a head coming out of a toilet can mean bad, cool, or many other things depending on the context.
What is Skibidi?
I found a weapon strong enough to destroy my people's enemies, and he expects me to just hand it over? After I finish burning their world to ash, I'm coming for him.
A long or arduous search for something
An atom or molecule with a net charge
A sentence meant to elicit information
What is a Question?
The name of this mountain range that runs from British Columbia to Northern California means a small waterfall.
What are the Cascades?
The Lion Throne of Tibet was traditionally the seat of this religious figure.
Who is the Dalai Lama?
Gen alpha morons use this word following "no" to say they aren't lying, or following "that's" to say someone else is lying.
What is Cap?
I just wanted to collect the tribute our vassals owe us, but that uppity inventor made me look foolish. Now I have to put my foot down.
What is A Bug's Life?
A popular pet
A nickname for someones mother
A set of principles laid down by an authority
What is Dogma?
A term that is used to describe white people derives its name from this mountain range on the border of Europe and Asia.
What are the Caucasus?
The Phoenix Throne was historically the seat of power in this modern country, known at the time as Joseon.
What is Korea?
This type of tax refers to stealing food from a friend.
What is Fanum?
Who cares if I have to lie? These people still need me to lead them. I'll just have to hire someone who can do the things I pretend I'm able to do.
What is Wicked?
A fish's limb
A type of beer
A dramatic end to a performance
What is Finale?