This son of David attempted to take the throne without consulting God or David
This man was forced to stay in Jerusalem for face death
God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered him anything. What did he request?
Solomon appointed this many officials to govern the kingdom
Why are Chariots important to Solomon's kingdom?
National defense and discouraging people from invading
Solomon's father that wanted the temple to be built was not allowed.
The interior of the Temple was decorated with this precious metal
This book of the Bible contains a song written by Solomon
Song of Solomon
These men supported Adonijah's claim to the throne
Joab and Abiathar
This was the consequence that Adonijah faced after trying to marry Abishag
The mothers fighting over the baby
Those who kept records
Name three animals that Solomon had
Deer, Gazelle, Sheep, Horses, etc
This king gave wood for the temple
Two massive statues of these creatures stood in the Most Holy place
Hiram was the king of _________
This prophet warned David that Solomon and Bathsheba's lives were in danger
This High priest was removed from office
This book of the Bible contained many wise sayings written by Solomon
Proverbs [ Ecclesiastes will also be accepted]
These many governors provided food for Solomon's court and horses
Solomon's Kingdom had this many horsemen
The two kinds of wood used in building the temple
Cypress and Cedar
Solomon replaced this old structure with the new temple
The Tabernacle
Solomon's reign brought ____________ to Israel
Wealth [ could also say peace or safety]
This symbolized Solomon's rightful claim to the throne before his official anointing
Riding on David's mule
David told Solomon to do this to prosper
Obey God's laws
Because Solomon asked for Wisdom, God also granted him these two things
Riches and Honor
Name one of the priests who served under Solomon's administration
Zadok, Azariah, Abiathar
Solomon made a marriage alliance with the daughter of this foreign ruler
It took __________ years to build the temple
These things were not heard during the building of the temple
The sound of a hammer or a chisel
Who were the three men that were punished by Solomon
Abiathar, Joab, and Shimei
This was the reaction of the city when Solomon was declared King
Very loud celebration
This man executed Joab
Solomon is credited with writing over this many proverbs
Daily provision of flour in Solomon's court
240 Bushels
This was the number of horse stalls that Solomon owned
This area inside the temple housed the Ark of the Covenant
The Most holy place
These three things were carved into the temple's walls
Palm trees, flowers, and cherubim
Solomon's wisdom was considered to be greater than the wisdom of these people
The men of the East