In a test featuring 2 artificial mothers, one mother would feed monkeys and appear as a metal cage (Wire mother) while the other mother wouldnt feed the monkeys but was made of a soft fur (The cloth mother). Which mother did baby chimps run to when a threat enters the room?
Who is The cloth mother
What is the name of the force that pulls all matter towards other matter?
What is gravity?
How many times should You feed your dog daily?
What is 0, You dont own a dog.
What is a semicolon used for?
What is a proper sentance which its point isnt fully finished.
What was my character's first name?
What is Christopher Boone?
True or false, When there are more people nearby in a crisis, it is more likely the person will recieve help.
What is false
True or false Paris Tesla is a world famous electrical engineer and scientist who Elon Musk named his electrical car company "Tesla" after
What is False, his name was Nikola Tesla
What will I be naming my children whenthey are born?
What is You will be neming OUR children
How did the story "Unprotected" end?
What is He lived happily ever after inside Jordan & Rachel's shoebox
What is a super objective?
What is A goal for the duration of the show/movie?
Which makes people most happy?
A) Excersise
B) Chocolate
C) Money
D) Smiling
E) Attractive other
What is B) Chocolate
What is the law of inertia?
What is Objects in motion stay in motion
What is the second most common street name in the United States?
What is Second ST.
What was the theme of my final poetry assignment?
What is growth and reflection
Where is "Upstage left" Located realative to this actor?
What is 2?
Unconious is something we are not aware we are thinging. Conious is when we are aware of what were thinking. What is Preconcious?
When we are slightly aware or need to be reminded/primed
The global constant of earths gravity is about
What is 9.81m/s2
Bangui is the capital of what central African republic?
What is the Central African Republic
What is a Stanza?
What is A group of lines, separated by a line break
What was the name or plot of the first show I ever acted in
What is Darcy/Darksy An incell teenage boy who learned to love himself and the world after meeting a girl.
What famous experiment depicted University students pretening to run a prison
What is The Stanford prison experiment
What is the force that opposes gravity, preventing us from acceleratingdeep into the earth?
What is Normal force
What is the 5 character secret code hidden in this sentance?
"I intended to roll for hours and hours. thankfully, I won the race."
What is inTENded TO roll FOR... I WON the race.
10, 2, 4, 1
Make one completely true statement about the bookseries I wrote in 10th grade
What is U can say literally anything lol
What is a character's center?
What is the part of their body they lead with