What was I dressed as for my first halloween?
A pumpkin
When did I first have a crush on you
the first time I saw you at church
What is the significance of the newspaper in my box?
it was wrapped around the mug you brought me back from Colorado, and you gave it to me on the last day we got to hang out before everything fell apart
What book did I buy for you for Christmas?
Cloak of the Light - Chuck Black
Where did I ask you to be my girlfriend?
Outside the Crag
What store did my mom used to take me and my friends to play at?
The train store
When did I tell my mother I was interested in you?
Mid-march, 2023, the night we took all the camcorder videos at sonic
Why is there a big stick in my box?
It's the remaining half from after you broke my stick in our lightsaber fight at Philip's last summer
What did we watch at the top of the hill with Libby?
Hugbees "How its made"
Where did we have our first date?
The Horn
What was my cake for my second birthday
a blue's clues paw
What was the name of the theme I wrote about you?
What happened to your first letter full of scripture?
It got washed and is in a box in my box
What is my favorite movie we've watched together
White Christmas or 100 foot journey
Where did we first hold hands?
Philip's house, on a walk
How many of my great grandparents did I know?
Onion Rings and Pineapple rings
how many rings are in my box?
Four - the proposal, grass, straw wrapper, & Fishing line
What did we paint at the Frist?
Bamboo and a Jackson Pollock mess
Where was I when I decided I could not live without you by my side?
What was the main form of currency in small group at my early childhood church?
Silly Bands
How soft the sweater was and how good you smelled
What do I have in my box from our first prom?
The broken dagger, the candle, a string that came off your dress in my suit jacket, a photo, the SD card with the camcorder videos
What is the first song I ever associated with you?
I hear a symphony
What is my favorite place we have been together?