What is the name of how much money you will make at your job each hour?
A Wage
What is one way that you can apply for a job?
1. In Person
2. Call on the phone
3. Email
What are some types of insurance that a job can offer?
1. Health insurance
2. Dental Insurance
3. Life Insurance
4. Vision Insurance
What are some examples of clerical skills?
2. Typing
3. Filing
4. Shredding paper
Who can I ask for an application?
A supervisor or an employer
What is it called when you do a really good job at work and you receive extra money?
A Bonus
What are some skills you need to be a doctor?
1. Good at making decisions.
2. Good at people skills.
3. Good at being organized.
Driver's License
What is the money you receive called when you get money every month for a year? You receive this with a more professional job after college.
A salary
When I go to apply for a job, what is the first level of a job called?
The entry level job
What are some types of reasons that I can call off of work?
1. Sick
2. Vacation
What are some skills you need to be an artist?
1. Good at drawing.
2. Good at painting.
3. Good at modeling.
What is the piece of paper called that you get your money from your job?
A paycheck
If I have a problem at a job or with an employer, who can I talk to for help?
Customer Service
What is paid leave?
When I get paid for the days that I take off of work for fun or vacation that my job gives me
What is a skill you might put on your resume?
1. Good organization
2. Good communication
3. Good team player
What is the money that gets taken out of your paycheck called that goes back to the government?
What am I called when I get a job at a company?
An employee
What is unpaid leave?
When I take off of work for something fun or vacation and I do NOT get paid
What are some skills that are BAD for a job?
1. Being late
2. Being mean to others
3. Not completing your daily tasks.