Cereal Killers
Travel More with Shan
Also a Taylor Swift Song
A Chris Category

This heart healthy breakfast with many varieties, including honey nut, pairs well with this man whose good looks and charm turned him into an icon during his 1979 trial despite having raped and killed at least 30 women

What are Cheerios and Ted Bundy 


Unfortunately Shannon did not kiss anyone in this city of lights, but she did have the best croissant of her life

What is Paris


This type of light-weight, knitted sweater is perfect for Spring

What is a Cardigan 


One of Shannon's celebrity crushes, he is known for films like The Dark Knight and Ford v Ferrari. 

Who is Christian Bale 


Started in Seattle, this company's net worth is over $88 billion. That's a lot of green!

What is Starbucks 


This sweet play on corn flakes is a grrrreeaaaat breakfast for the Milwaukee Cannibal who killed 17 men and often kept body parts as souvenirs 

What are Frosted Flakes and Jeffrey Dahmer 


Shannon achieved her dream on seeing a sloth in Roatan, a small island apart of this second largest Spanish speaking country in Central American.  

What is Honduras


After a late night of fireworks and kissing, you can enjoy the Rose Parade on this holiday

What is New Years Day 


These three Chris's collide in the multiverse to once again same humanity and look good while doing it

Who are Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Pratt


Introduced in 1960, this chewy, fruity candy is America's second most popular non-chocolate candy

What is Starburst 


A famous cult leader, he and his followers committed several murders in the 1960s with this cereal used to make popular marshmallow treats 

Who are Charles Manson and Rice Krispies  


Although Shannon did not visit this smallest country, she was very close on her trip with Ava

What is Vatican City 


A country singer himself, Taylor Swift referenced this country singer on her debut album

Who is Tim McGraw


Christianity falls under this broader category of religion, along with Islam and Judaism that share the same prophet.

What is Abrahamic Religion

Who is Abraham 


This sea echinoderm cannot live in freshwater because saltwater helps pump nutrients throughout its body

What is a starfish (sea star if we are being correct)


This mysterious brit was cuckoo for killing 5 prostitutes in London’s Whitechapel district in 1888, but also cuckoo for this cereal 

Who is Jack the Ripper and Cocoa Puffs 


Micah Christenson, the volleyball player Shannon has been in love with since middle school, is from this state, also the birthplace of former President Barack Obama and Jason Mamoa 

What is Hawaii 


A beloved Hollywood actress and best friend to Ryan Reynolds, she died in 2021 just before her 100th birthday

Who is Betty White


Christian Pulisic, Shannon's favorite soccer player, shares a hometown with this sweet Pennsylvania brand

What is Hershey 


In this Disney Channel Original 2010 hit, a midwest girl has the summer of her life falling in love with a popstar played by Sterling Knight

What is Starstruck


Although Shannon and most other tourists visit Bali, Java is the more populated island and home to this capital city of the fourth largest populated country in the world

What is Jakarta, Indonesia 


The most threatened group of bird, this sea bird also has the longest wingspan of all birds 

What is an Albatross 


You can find kaiserschmarrn (sweet, fluffy pancakes) and glühwein (mulled wine) at Wiener Christkindlmarkt, the world's largest Christmas market held in this capitol city. 

What is Vienna, Austria  


Oh what a marvelous tune, this song could have also been in another category on the board

What is Starlight
