Lake George...

Lake George was originally formed by the remnants of this perennial accumulation of crystalline ice, snow, rock, sediment 

What is a Glacier


Most species of Owls rest during the day and hunt at night, making them this type of creature.

What is nocturnal?


This movie follows the deliberations of a group of jurors Following the closing arguments in a murder, with a guilty verdict meaning death for the accused, an inner-city teen.

What is 12 Angry Men?


The world's largest island is this nation, known for its ironic name, given that its cold climate renders nearly 80% of its land covered by icecaps and glaciers

What is Greenland?


This 18th-century military officer, politician, and Founding father is sometimes referred to as THE father of the United States. 

Who is George Washington?


Georgie, this type of creature with kin such as Nessy and Champ, was nice rumored to inhabit Lake George in 1904, until it was discovered that Harry Watrous, a NYC prankster, used a log, paint, and a pulley system to create Georgie.

What is a sea monster?


The great horned owl has a large and varied diet, including anything from rodents and opossums to swans and ducks, to this distinctly two-toned and foul-scented mammal. 

What is the skunk?


This team of superheroes, originally published by Marvel Comics, includes The Thing, Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and the Human Torch.

Who are the Fantastic Four?


This island nation is home to not only 125+ million people, but also Tsukiji Market (the world's largest fish market), two Disney Parks, and 1+ million cherry blossom trees

What is Japan?


This titular character of many books, TV series, and movies is a fictional monkey who befriends "The Man in the Yellow Hat".

Who is Curious George?


This Food Network star, known primarily for her self-titled cooking show grew up in Lake George and still lives nearby. Though best known for her cooking, she has also guest starred in shows such as Young and hungry, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, and The Emoji Movie.

Who is Rachel Ray


This small, ovular object is regurgitated after an owl swallows its prey whole or in large pieces.

What is an owl pellet?


This book by E. L. James is notable for it's explicit contents and film adaptations, in addition to it's development from what was originally a Twilight fan fiction 

What is 50 Shades of Gray?


Located in the very south of its country this island hosts its own unique dialect of the country's romance language, known as Siciliano.

What is Sicily


This American filmmaker is one of history's most financially successful filmmakers, having directed or conceived 10% of the highest-grossing movies at the North American box office. However, he also had some box office failures such as Strange Magic and Twice Upon a Time.

Who is George Lucas?


Daily Double

Lake George is home to an instance of this type of anomaly. To experience it yourself simply stand in the center of "the mystery spot", face the lake, and give a good shout. You'll hear your voice 'echo' as if from miles away, but to everyone else you're just some person shouting. 

What is acoustic?


Owls are considered a symbol of wealth, prosperity, wisdom, good luck, and fortune in this religion, which flourished in the medieval period given the decline of Buddhism in India

What is Hinduism?


This is an American television news magazine broadcast on the CBS television network. Debuting in 1968, the program was created by Don Hewitt and Bill Leonard, who distinguished it from other news programs by using a unique style of reporter-centered investigation.

What is 60 Minutes?


Daily Double

This 58th-largest island in the U.S. lies just south of Cape Cod

What is Martha's Vinyard?


Born Eric Arthur Blair, this depression-era author's work is known for its social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism, and support of democratic socialism.

Who is George Orwell?


In 1791, a mere ten years before his presidency, this founding father and primary author of the Declaration of Independence penned a letter after visiting the area. He began "Lake George is, without comparison, the most beautiful water I ever saw..."

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


Family is one tool used to identify owls. Owls can be members of either the typical family or this family named after the rural farm buildings they tend to nest within.

What is barn?


Also known as the Decalouge, this list of religious and ethical directives was given to Moses by Yahweh, according to the Hebrew Bible.

What are the Ten Commandments?


the largest island in French Polynesia, the South Pacific archipelago, With black-sand beaches, lagoons, waterfalls and 2 extinct volcanoes, this island hosted the surfing segment of the 2024 Paris Olympics

What is Tahiti 


In the 2016 Tony Award-winning Best Musical, this character sings "You'll be the one who's complaining when I am gone// No, don't change the subject!// 'Cause you're my favorite subject"

Who is King George III?
