Project Management and Task Delegation
Team Collaboration and Communication
Strategic Planning and Vision
Process Improvement and Efficiency
Performance Feedback and Development

"Can you support with this?"

You heard: "You have to pick up work from others."
I meant: "We have an urgent deadline, and I am trusting that you would be the right person or team to get us over the finish line."


"Let's brainstorm some ideas."

You heard: "Your current ideas aren't good enough."
I meant: "I value your input and want to collaborate on new ideas."


"We need to address some concerns."

You heard: "You're the problem."
I meant: "I want to collaboratively find solutions to improve our work environment."


"We need to improve our efficiency."

You heard: "You are not working fast enough."
I meant: "Let's find ways to streamline our processes and work smarter, not harder."


"Can we talk for a minute?"

You heard: "I am in trouble."
I meant: "I want to speak to you because the topic is urgent or I need a private space."


"Can you handle this right now?"

You heard: "I don't think you're capable."
I meant: "I trust your abilities and believe you're the right person for this task. I want to ensure the timeline works and is achievable."


"Let's have a meeting to discuss this."

You heard: "There's a problem with this."
I meant: "I want to ensure we're on the same page and address any questions or concerns in a way that is more organic than email."


"Let's take a closer look at this."

You heard: "You missed something important."
I meant: "I want to ensure we haven't overlooked any details."


"We need to follow the new process."

You heard: "Your way of doing things is wrong."
I meant: "The new process is designed to help us work more effectively."


"It's time that I step in on this."

You heard: "You can't manage this."
I meant: "This part is within my skills and position scope. Also, I want to help lighten your workload and ensure the project stays on track."


"Where are you at on this?"

You heard: "You haven't been working hard enough or are taking too long."
I meant: "I want to stay informed on the status or progress for my own reporting purposes and support you if needed."


"Let's touch base later."

You heard: "I'm micromanaging you and I don't have time for you now."

I meant: "I want to check in and see how things are going."


"Let's celebrate the little wins."

You heard: "We're not doing enough and we have to pretend to be positive all the time." 

I meant: "Acknowledging our achievements along the way to our goals will motivate us and foster a positive environment."


"Can you weigh in on this?"

You heard: "I don't trust you or your team's work."
I meant: "I value your expertise and would appreciate your input."


"What solutions or ideas do you have on this?"

You heard: "You should have all the answers."
I meant: "What ideas have you already tried and what would you like to suggest before I provide a decision?"


"Can you polish this further?"

You heard: "Your work isn't good enough."
I meant: "There are a few changes needed to meet our standards. I trust you can handle it."


"Let's schedule a one-on-one meeting."

You heard: "There's a major issue with your work."
I meant: "I want to check in with you and discuss your goals and concerns."


"Let's gather feedback from the team."

 You heard: "Your decisions are questionable or you don't have enough authority to make a decision here." 

I meant: "Collective input will help us make more informed decisions."


"We need to re-evaluate this."

You heard: "Your approach isn't working."
I meant: "Let's consider new perspectives to improve our outcomes."


"We should talk about your performance."

You heard: "You're at risk of losing your job."
I meant: "I want to discuss your progress and support your growth and career path."


"How are you prioritizing your time?"

You heard: "I don't trust you to keep on track or manage your time well."
I meant: "The demands of the task are multifaceted and I may be able to help you by finding pieces that can be moved."


"Let's take this offline."

You heard: "I said something wrong or I am not able to speak up or be heard."
I meant: "This topic is more nuanced and you may need more context as well as insight to the audience. For respect of others and the original goals of this meeting, let's talk about this in private first."


"Let's run it past leadership."

You heard: "I don't have the authority or desire to make this decision." 

I meant: "Let's present this idea to others for their feedback and see how it's received as sometimes they have knowledge and expertise that is useful to decision-making."


"I have some thoughts on this."

You heard: "You're doing a bad job."
I meant: "I want to help improve this process and have a result that works well."


“How’s it going?"

You heard: "I am out of touch and am fishing for information."
I meant: "I am wanting to build genuine connection with you and learn more about what work has been like for you lately."
