Who does Paul say was raised from the dead? (1:10)
Where are the Thessalonians from?
What does Paul refer to the Thessalonians as at the very end of the epistle?
Paul warns the church to abstain from every form of [blank]. (5:22)
I was created so Adam wouldn't be alone. Who am I?
Who does Paul say is their witness? (2:5)
What two places did Paul mention that the Gospel had sounded forth from the Thessalonians? (1:7)
Macedonia & Achaia
By what illustration did Paul compare his gentleness among them? (2:7)
As a nursing mother cares for her children
Who does Paul say killed Jesus?
What is the first word in I Thessalonians?
Who was with Paul when this epistle was written? (1:1)
Silvanus & Timothy
Where had Paul "been given rough treatment and grossly insulted" prior to writing this epistle? (2:2)
How did Paul describe the coming of the day of the Lord? (5:2)
Like a thief in the night
What does Paul say the Lord will make increase amongst the church, so that it will be in abundance?(3:12)
Love (towards one another)
What do they call Shepherds residing in Germany?
German Shepherds.
What hindered Paul from coming again unto the Thessalonians? (2:17-18)
Paul is writing to the Christian community in Thessalonika. Of which Roman province was Thessalonika the capital? (Ch. 1 & 4)
What does Paul tell us to put on to avoid sinful activities like drunkenness? (5:8)
Hint: 2 answers/words
A breastplate (faith and love) and helmet (hope of salvation)
What did the Thessalonican church turn from in order to serve the living and true God? (1:9)
On his Arc, how many of each animal did Moses bring?
None. Moses did not have an Arc, Noah did.
Whom did Paul send back to Thessalonika? (3:1-2)
Where is Paul when he is writing this letter? (Acts 18)
How does Paul describe the sudden destruction of those who are lukewarm in their faith when Christ comes again? (5:3)
Labor pains that come upon a pregnant woman
When describing the descent of the Lord from heaven, Paul writes there will be a cry of command, with the voice of a [blank]. (4:16)
Who was awarded as the first runner in human race?
Adam, because he was first in the human race.