For God loved the world so much that he gave his ________________, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.
What is "Only-Begotten Son"
John 3:16
Who is the nephew of the Father of many nations?
Who is "Lot"
Where was an alter erected "to the unknown God"?
Where is "Athens"
Acts 17:22,23
How many pieces of silver was Jesus betrayed for?
What is "30"
Matthew 26:15
She was married to Uriah the Hittite.
Who is "Bathsheba"
2 Sam. 11:3
Jehovah is my ______ I will lack nothing.
What is "Shepherd"
Psalms 23:1
Who asked "Am i my brother's keeper?"
Who is "Cain"
Gen. 4:9
Where Jesus sweat became drops of blood?
Where is "Gethsemane"
Matthew 26:36
How many fruitage of the spirit are there?
What is "9"
Gal 5:22-23
The animal Jehovah used to speak to Balaam.
What is "A Donkey"
Number 22:22-34
Jesus gave way to ____.
What is "Tears"
John 11:335
Who did King Ahasuerus replaced Queen Vashti with?
Who is "Esther"
Esther 2:8
Where did Jesus preform his first miracle?
Where is "Cana of Galilee"
John 2:1
How old was Jesus when he was listening and asking question the teachers in the temple when Mary and Joseph were looking for him?
What is "12 years old"
Luke 2:42
In Joseph's dream, how many stars bowed to him?
What is "11 Stars"
Gen. 37:9
Finally his wife said to him: "Are you still holding firmly to your ______? Curse God and die!"
What is "Integrity"
Job 2:9
How many men did Gideon take with him to attack the Camp of Midian?
What is "300 Men"
Judges 7:7,8
What city did Daniel serve the King?
Where is "Babylon"
Daniel 1
How many tribes of Israel are there?
What is "12"
Gen 49:28
Who did Jesus heal from blindness?
Who is "Barthimaeus"
Mark 10:46
In the beginning was the ____, and the ____ was with God, and the ____ was a god.
What is "Word"
John 1:1
In which book of the Bible is the story of Samson & Delilah?
What is "Judges"
Judges 16:14-22
What mountain did Jesus ascend into the heaven from?
What is "Mount of Olives"
Acts 1:9-12
How many books are in the Bible?
What is "66"
How many wives did Solomon have?
What is "700"
1 Kings 11:3
What number class are we on with the Gilead Graduation? and what number update?
*Both answers get Full Points of waged score
*Only one correct get Half Points of waged score
What is "156th and 7th"
Now _______ a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at the time.
Who is "Deborah"
Judges 4:4
How long did Moses's mother hide him to escape the death decree made by Pharaoh?
What is "3 Months"
Exodus 2:2
Golgotha is also known as the place of the...?
What is "Skull"
Matthew 27:33
How many chapters does Psalms have?
What is "150 Chapters"
Eli'sha asked for a double portion of this prophet's spirit.
Who is "Eli'Jah"
2 Kings 2:9
Let the one who thinks he is ______ beware that he does not fall.
What is "Standing"
1 Cor. 10:12
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
Who is "Nathanael"
John 1:47:48
Where was Paul stoned?
Where is "Lystra"
Acts 14:19
What chapters of Psalms did we read for our mid-week meeting?
He lied to Peter about the amount of money him and his wife made.
Acts 5:3
Do not be quick to take offense, for the taking of offense ledges int he bosom of _____.
What is "Fools"
Ecc. 7:9
This was apart of John the Baptist's regular diet.
What is "locusts and Wild Honey"
Matthew 3:4 and Mark 1:6
When Saul was pursuing David, Which cave did David seek refuge?
Where is "Cave of Adullam"
1 Sam. 22:1
How long did the flood cover the earth?
What is "150 days"
Gen 7:24
Jehovah told Moses to make this for the people to look at to survive if they were bitten by Serpents.
What is "Serpent of Copper"
Number 21:9
We are persecuted, but not abandoned we are knocked down, but not _________.
What is "Destroyed"
2 Cor. 4:9
I am called "The dreamer" by my brothers.
Who is "Joseph"
Gen. 37:19
Where is Moses buried?
Where is "In the Valley of Moab"
Daut. 34:6
How long was the Ark?
What is "300 Cubits"
Gen 6:15
He made an axe head swim.
Who is "Eli'sha"
2 Kings 6:1-6
Not that we of ourselves are ________________ to consider that anything comes from us, but our being __________________ comes from God.
What is "Adequately Qualified"
2 Cor. 3:5
What book in the bible Prophesied hundreds of years in advance that Jesus would be betrayed by 30 pieces of silver?
What is "Zechariah"
Zec. 11:12-13
What city did Joshua and 30,000 men kill 12,000 people?
Where is "The city of A'i"
Joshua 8:25
How old was Joseph when his brothers sold him into slavery?
What is "17 years old"
Gen. 37:2
Jesus sent Peter to get their tax money from here.
What is "Mouth of a Fish"
Matthew 17:25-27