The device that stores our footage. The memory of what we film.
What is SD card?
The source of electricity that powers our cameras.
What is battery?
The four basic pieces needed to take video.
What is body, battery, SD Card, Lens
The color of the dots you line up to attach a lens.
What is white?
The device that stores the controls, sensor, and software needed to record video.
What is body?
The device that focuses light into our camera's sensor.
What is lens?
True or False.
A Zoom lens has better quality than a Prime lens.
The brand of camera we use.
What is sony?
Lens with a fixed focal length.
What is prime?
The number system we use to determine the length of a lens.
What is focal length?
This is the mode the camera needs to be in to film.
What is video mode.
Give me a scenario where you would want a 500mm lens
close up of something, something far away, etc.
Lens with a variable focal length.
What is Zoom?
True or False.
A 15mm lens is wider than a 500mm lens.
This is what mm stands for.
What is millimeters?
The tighter a lens, the more zoomed in and less scene you see.
What is 'tight'?
The wider a lens, the more zoomed out and more scene you see.
What is 'Wide'?
Give me a scenario where you would want a 10mm lens
Anything to see all of a location, etc.
This lens is the focal length that humans see with.
What is 50mm.