Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act
Women's Suffrage
Famous Abolitionists and African American Leaders
Active Resistance (fighting back in a direct way)
Passive Resistance (resisting without fighting or using violence)

What valuable metal were White settlers typically looking for when they took Native American lands.

What is gold?


What does the word "suffrage" mean?

The right to vote.


Who was the most famous Black Abolitionist, was an escaped slave, writer of the North Star, speaker, and lived in Rochester?

Frederick Douglass


What is the term for religious songs that were used to provide coded messages about how to escape and provide emotional support to the enslaved?



This form of passive resistance faced a penalty of both hands being chopped off if one was caught doing it.

Reading and Writing

What is the term for making a group of people give up their own culture, language, and traditions to adopt the culture of the more powerful (dominant) group, often against their will? 

Forced Assimilation


When Men in the 1800s said that women had a "traditional sphere", what did they mean by that?

They meant that women should stay at home with the kids and cook and clean. 


Who was the most famous white Abolitionist, writer of "The Liberator", and founder of the Anti-Slavery Society?

William Lloyd Garrison


What was the term for a secret network of people and places that helped enslaved people escape to freedom in the 1800s. 

Underground Railroad


In order to get the nutrition they needed to survive working in the fields, what was a common method the enslaved use?

Stealing food


What tribe was considered one of the "Five Civilized Tribes", was located in the Georgia and South Carolina region, and was illegally forced to relocate to Oklahoma in the Trail of Tears?

What is the Cherokee?


(I will take two answers here)

What is the origin of this phrase and what famous document was it based off of?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..."

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Sentiments


What was the most famous (and bloodiest) uprising by the enslaved before the Civil War?

Nat Turner's Rebellion


This term was used to describe when the enslaved fought back in large numbers.

Revolt or Rebellion


What strategy would the enslaved sometimes use in order to lower the amount of crops harvested and keep their energy?

Work slowly (could also be breaking tools).


What is the term for groups of different tribes that joined together as a team to work on common goals. They formed alliances to help protect their lands, share ideas, and support each other during tough times. 



What is the term for the belief in the 1800s that said women should stay at home and take care of the house and family instead of working or being involved in politics.

Cult of Domesticity (will also take Republican Motherhood)


Who was the most successful and famous "conductor" of the Underground Railroad? She later went on to be a spy during the Civil War. 

Harriet Tubman


What is the term for burning down a building?



In order to prevent having efficient equipment for harvesting, the enslaved would sometimes do what?

Break tools


What is the term for farming and other practices involving growing plants and domestication of animals while living in one place?



What famous convention is considered to be the beginning of the Women's Suffrage movement?

Seneca Falls Convention


Who was the White Abolitionist who raided Harper's Ferry with the goal of providing weapons to slaves so they could free themselves? 

John Brown


This is the term for when the enslaved would end their own lives rather than continue being enslaved.



What would the enslaved sometimes do to make it seem like they were unable to work that day?

Pretend to be sick ("Faking Illness")
