Topic 5
Topic 5/2
Topic 6
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Mash up

Scientific research leads to advances in technology that underpin new ideas. 

What is Technology Push?


A specific group of people within the target market at which a product or the marketing message of a product is aimed at.

What is a Target Audience?


This is the stage in a product life cycle where the product is no longer needed even though it functions as well as it did when first manufactured. 

What is Obsolescence?


Within the context of classic design, This relates to the instantly recognizable aesthetics of a particular product. For example, the shape of a Coca-Cola bottle, or the shape of a Volkswagen Beetle motor car. 

What is Image?


A new idea is needed as a result of demand from the marketplace.

What is Market Pull?


An idea from one context is used to stimulate ideas for solving a problem in another context.

What is Analogy?


A product that serves as a standard of its time, that has been manufactured industrially and has timeless appeal.

What is Design Classic?


What is the World Wildlife Fund?


A solution to a problem in one field is used to provide a new idea for a design problem in another.

What is Adaptation?


 A tool for mapping out the four stages of a product's commercial life: Launch; Growth; Maturity; Decline.

What is Product Lifecycle?


Any company or product that can fulfill similar functions for a similar market.

What is Competition?


A design that uses the form and decoration from a particular period of time and/or style.

What is Retro-Styling?


What is MasterCard?


A legal term for intangible property such as "creations of the mind" such as inventions and designs that are used in a commercial setting. It is protected by law.

What is Intellectual Property?


A legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive ownership for its use and distribution. Usually for a limited time and within geographical boundaries, it allows the creator to receive compensation for their intellectual effort.

What is Copyright ©?


Also considered as the three-dimensional space that a product takes up, in the context of classic design, it relates to the shape of a product and the aesthetic qualities that the shape gives. 

What is Form?


What is Dominoes Pizza?


A product or type of technology that challenges existing companies to ignore or embrace technical change

What is Disruptive Innovation?


Technological advances that form the basis of new designs may be applied to the development of different types of products/systems, for example, laser technology.

What is Technology Transfer


Over time, products wear out and break down. If parts are no longer available, the product can no longer work in the way it originally did.

What is Functional Obsolescence?


In the context of classic design, it is a product that  has existed and been in circulation for a long time.

What is Omnipresence or Omnipresent?


Often referred to as the “eureka moment”, a sudden image of a potential solution is formed in the mind, usually after a period of thinking about a problem.

What is an Act of Insight?
