Exam Logistics
Academic Integrity
Examination Materials
Examination Procedures

This is the maximum time flexibility schools have to start an examination after the published start time.

30 minutes (Section 3.2)


The type of person who can serve as an invigilator during IB examinations.

A member of the school's teaching faculty or a responsible adult trained in examination procedures (Section 5.3)


What should a student do if they accidentally bring unauthorized materials into the examination room?

The student should inform the invigilator or examination coordinator immediately and surrender the unauthorized materials.


The type of ink students must use for writing their examination answers.

Dark blue or black ink (Section 10.11)


The duration of reading time allowed before an examination begins.

5 minutes (except for multiple-choice papers) (Section 13.9)


What must teachers do to prepare students for the materials required on examination day?

Teachers must inform students about the specific materials they need to bring to the examination, such as approved calculators, stationery, and any subject-specific resources.


This is prohibited for invigilators during an examination.

Engaging in other activities like reading or marking during examination supervision (Section 14.1)


What is the definition of academic misconduct during an examination?

Academic misconduct includes actions such as cheating, using unauthorized materials, or communicating with other students during the examination.


The type of dictionary permitted during examinations.

Bilingual translation dictionary for all subject groups, except language subjects (Section 2.3)


The procedure for students who need to leave the examination room temporarily.

Supervised temporary absence, no communication allowed (Section 15.2)


This is the minimum number of hours students must be supervised during an examination session.

2 hours (Section 3.7)


The specific location where an invigilator should be seated in the examination room.

At the back of the room where students cannot see which part they are observing (Section 14.3)


What action should be taken if a student is suspected of cheating during an exam?

The invigilator or examination coordinator should be informed immediately if a student is suspected of cheating.


The specific stationery items allowed in the examination room.

Pen, soft pencil, ruler, eraser, dictionary (Section 2.3)


The instructions for handling an incomplete answer in a designated box.

Continue answer in answer booklet, note in original box (Section 13.10)


The maximum time between an examination and when the examination paper should be made available to subject teachers.

No earlier than 24 hours after the examination (Section 19.4)


How should invigilators monitor student behavior during an examination?

Invigilators should walk around the examination room at regular intervals to ensure that no student is engaging in any form of academic misconduct (Section 14.2).


Name one type of unauthorized material that could lead to academic misconduct.

Examples of unauthorized materials include notes, textbooks, or electronic devices like mobile phones.


The requirement for examination papers and additional materials like data booklets.

Must be "clean" copies without annotations (Section 2.2)


The specific process for attaching and organizing examination scripts.

Attach with string tag, coversheet first, then examination paper, answer booklets, graph paper (Section 16.1)


The specific requirement for how many invigilators are needed per number of students.

1 invigilator for every 20 students, minimum of 2 invigilators per room (Section 5.2)


The specific supervision requirements for students who complete an examination early.

Must remain supervised, can talk to other students who completed the exam, can review paper-based study notes (Section 3.9)


What are the potential repercussions for a student found guilty of academic misconduct?

Potential repercussions for academic misconduct can include disqualification from the examination, reporting to the IB, and possible failure in the subject.


The restrictions on using personal electronic devices during examinations.

No personal computers or laptops without specific authorization (Section 2.6)


What must teachers do with the examination scripts after they have been collected from students?

Teachers must securely organize and prepare the examination scripts for mailing to the scanning center, ensuring that all materials are accounted for and properly documented (Section 19.5).
