When the story begins in the middle.
In media res
The repetition of the s/ch/z sounds
The chapter where one of the characters drives around and around the lake.
Speaking of Courage
A poem written to honor a person who has died.
Blank verse and Shakespeare.
When a line of poetry continues onto the next line without pause (as in the sentence continues from one line to the next).
The repetition of vowel sounds
Where did we come across Jim Evans?
Midterm Break
A poem without rhyme or a particular rhythm
Free verse
What do we call the pattern of end rhyme in a poem?
A novel made up of group of letters.
The name of the puddles in White Tiger.
Cuddles and Puddles
A serious poem to honor a person or thing.
When either a character or a person in real life realizes something very important.
What do we call informal diction, which is more like spoken language than written?
When the sounds are rough, jolting, unpleasant to listen to.
Marji's uncle in Persepolis (and for an extra point BOTH uncles).
Uncle Anoush, and for the extra point Uncle Taher.
A typical poem written by Shakespeare.
The narrative perspective that follows directly the main characters train of thought.
What do we call it when there is a repetition of conjunctions.
F is an example of what type of sound?
Name the 4 young people in Out Stealing Horses.
Trond, Jon, Odd, Lars
A poem that tells a story
A narrative poem
Internal rhyme
Eye rhyme
slant rhyme