How many degrees is a right angle?
90 Degrees
10 · 2,2
Simplify the fraction to its lowest terms
Natalie buys organic almonds priced at $77 from the grocery store. How much did she pay the cashier, if she received $23 in change?
100 Dollar
Find the area of a rectangle that has length 24mm and width 9cm. Answer in either mm2 or cm2.
2160mm2 OR 21.6cm2
Tjockleken på en bit guldfolie är 0,000001 dm. Hur tjockt blir det om man lägger 1000 sådana foliebitar ovanpå varandra?
Adam needs to drive a distance of 372 kilometres to attend a seminar in New York. He stops for a break after he drives 1/3 of the total distance. How many kilometres has Adam driven?
124 km
Lara and Mae participated in a quiz contest. They scored 23 points in all. If Lara scored 9 points, how many points did Mae score?
14 points
If a goat is tethered with a rope that is 28m long, what will be the maximum area the goat can graze?
When Saras family had a party, her father bought 40 hg of shrimp. The price per hectogram was 24 kr. How much did Sara’s dad pay altogether?
960 Kr
Simons vattenflaska är fylld till 2/8. Ronja har en likadan flaska som är fylld till 3/8. Simon häller över sitt vatten i Ronjas flaska. Hur stor andel av Ronjas flaska är då fylld?
Dalia bought a few swirl marbles and divided it equally among four of her friends and her brother, Jake. While playing, Jake lost 2 marbles and has only 7 marbles at present. Find how many marbles did Dalia buy in all.
45 Marbels
Sarah notices a relationship between the angles in a oliksidig (scalene) triangle and estimates that the largest angle is 3 times as big as the smallest angle, and the middle angle is twice as big as the smallest angle. What are the sizes of angles?
30 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degreeas
100 yards är ungefär 91,4 m. Hur lång är en yard i meter?
0,914 Yards
Mahlet använder 4/9 av sin månadspeng till godis, 2/9 till bio och resten sparar hon. Hur stor andel av månadspengen sparar hon?
1/3 del
((−3) + 9) × ((−10) − (−9))
3 × 10 + 8 − 42
Hur stor är vinkeln mellan visarna på en klocka som är 17:45?
97,5 degrees
Albin och Märta bor i var sin by på landet. Avståndet mellan byarna är 60 km. De startar samtidigt och cyklar mot varandra. Albin håller medelhastigheten 18 km/h och Märta 12 km/h. Hur lång tid tar det innan de möts.
2 hours
Each batch of cupcake mix requires 1/3 of a cup of milk. According to the recipe, the batch can make 12 small cupcakes or 8 large cupcakes. If Emma makes a batch of large cupcakes, how much milk is in each cupcake?
Each of the large cupcakes has 1/24 cups of milk in them.
−7 + 4c = 7c + 6
Find C
C= -4,333