Book #1
Book #2
Book #3
Book #4
Book #5

In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what might her grandma say about her story?

She's just exaggerating and "being dramatic".


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does Maddie describe the Mt. Dew as?

"the color of Radioactive urine and probably toxic"


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what did Maddie save for later and still have to eat during her time alone? That she describes as "Tastes like nothing's changed."

A Twinkie


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, who is the main character's adorable baby brother, and younger brothers?

Trevor, twins James and Elliot (9 at beginning)


In Alone by Megan E Freeman,movies does Maddie say they will watch during the Weekend Plan?

Katherine Hempburn Movies.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what four things did Maddie list she thought she would be thinking about as a teenager?

Getting her drivers permit, going to dances, playing varsity soccer, and kissing.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does the main character describe as heaven?

Her life before she was left behind.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, at the jewelry store, what two things did Maddie find that gave her a feeling of hope and safety?

A gun and ammunition.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does the main character call her plan to sleepover with her friends?

The Weekend Plan.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, who's house was the Weekend Plan at?

Maddie's Grandparent's Summer house.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what is Maddie's favorite sport that she likes to play?



In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what did Maddie find annoying as she walked in her mother's door?

That her mom was making her take her shoes off at the door.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what did the main character witness that made her not trust the looters for rescue?

Kitten cruelty


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what is Elliott doing that  he can't be bought out of with a Twinkie?

He is helping James with his science project.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what is the main character's full name?

Madeleine Albright Harrison


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what drink is the main character deciding on using for flushing a toilet or drinking?

Moutain Dew


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what color was her Converse?



In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what are the main character's mom's paisley embarrassments?

her "meditation pants" she wears for dharma talks.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does Maddie admit she finds awkward, but doesn't find cool to say it's awkward?

That her stepbrother James is deaf.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what factor causes the main character to sleep alone at her grandparent's house?

Her friend Ashanti threw up, and Emma's  mom won't let her go.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does the main character state "is not adolescent hyperbole"?

That her reality is surviving alone for over three years with only her dog.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what does Maddie plan on special ordering for her 13th birthday?

A custom pair of converse.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what are dharma talks?

Where you sit and work on breathing. On Tuesday nights.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman,who are the people involved in the Weekend Plan?

Maddie, Ashanti, and Emma.


In Alone by Megan E Freeman, what are the three options for Elliot's thesis of Island of the Blue Dolphins? 

A Defending against wild dogs,B Providing food or shelter for herself, and C Learning to trust a friend.
