Who is Daniel
Jesus was in the grave for this many nights.
What is 3
This is 2 of the 10 commandments
Must not have any other god, Must not make idols,Worship God only, Must not Misuse the name of the Lord, Keep Sabbath day Holy, Must not Kill, Must not commit adultery, Must not steal, Must not lie, Must not covet
Jesus had this many disciples.
What is 12
ICA is this many years old.
What is 18
I defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone
Who is David
David put ____ smooth stones in his bag to fight Goliath.
What is 5 smooth stones
A sign God left in the sky as a promise that he will never destroy the earth with a flood.
What is a rainbow
I am the disciple who betrayed Jesus
Who is Judas
The year ICA was established
When is 2007
I denied knowing Jesus three times
Who is Peter
This many wisemen followed the northern star to the stable, where Jesus was born.
What is 3 wisemen
The book of the bible is made up of songs, hymns and prayers.
What is Psalms
My book of the bible is the first book of the New Testament
Who is Matthew
Fill in the blank : “A ______ leading you to christ.”
I was betrayed by my brothers and sold as a slave
who is Joseph
Jesus was ___ years old when he said the words: “I must be about my fathers business?”
What is 12 years old
The King during the time of Jesus
Who is King Harod
I walked on water with Jesus
What was last year’s theme of the church?
Multiple choice:
A) Addition
B) Division
C) Multiplication
D) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
I lead the Israelites out of Egypt
Who is Moses
Jesus fed 5000 people wth ____ fishes and ____ loafs of bread.
2 fish and 5 loafs of bread
5 books from the Old Testament
Judge *
Before becoming a disciple i was a doctor
Who is Luke
Prayer Breakfast is usually held on this Sunday of the month. (First/second/third/fourth Sunday)
Third Sunday of the month