In what Latin American country was our first and most successful portco IPO (Sonda)?
Spain and Ghana
In what two new jurisdictions were portco investments made this year?
$3.1 billion
What was the largest equity investment made this year that was mentioned in at least 3 of the LCA Summit presentations and on which I worked?
Frogs, bats, turtles and snakes
What are some of the animals represented in the logos of our portfolio companies?
Investments in this Intel-backed technology have resulted in the most litigation in APAC and some of the largest investment losses experienced by ICap.
What is WiMax?
string bikini
What is one of the top seling items on a Brazilian portco's website?
Guido and Luigi
Who are the two brothers who were key employees of Archetype, acquired earlier this year, that are going to help make Intel Media’s top secret media stuff really cool?
An estimated 70% of the people in China, India and the Middle East use the PC for their most common IT tasks and 30% use a phone. In this region, it is estaimted that these percentages are 20% and 80%, respectively.
What is Africa?
Black Duck
What is the software vendor we always insist our acquisition targets use for open source scans - because we have an investment in this company?
This ICap portco was cited in Bloomberg in relation to its links to Iran.
What is AMS?
Form what Brazilian portco can one buy champagne, a knife, a chocolate truffle and a crayon?
What is Coquelux?
Bollywood and Intel Capital
What is Hungama, one of our newer ICap portcos which has the largest on demand, digital entertainment storefront specializing in Bollywood content?
The exit that will yield the most cash for ICap worldwide this year.
What is AVG?
Where did Intel Capital open an office in June of 2012?
We investigated the most FCPA issues in 2012 in portco companies from this country.
What is the People's Republic of China?
"Taxation" without representation
What is the problem with being a minority investor in a Brazilian company?
Somalia and Ukraine
What are two of the worst countries when it comes to corruption in the public sector?
This continent will have an estimated population of 1.2B in 2016 and will represent the largest untapped opportunity for ICap investments.
What is Africa?
Eleven boys (seven under the age of 10).
How many sons does the EMEA ICap legal team have among the five team members (including Liz)?
A decade.
What is the length of time that we have been in arbitration with one of our portfolio companies over an investment?
This certificate is just one of the 8 certificates that Intel must obtain from the Brazilian government before we can close the ProFusion (Plainville) acquisition.
What is el Certidao da Promotoria da Justica de Acidente do Trabalho?
Vanilla and Hazelnut
What are two potential acquisitions (along with Latte) that violated the geographic code names "rule"?
Which one of ICap's portfolio companies ought to change its dumb name?
Coton du Tulear
What is Henry?
What is a covenant not to sue and which the equity team must consider for each investment to minimize the risk of being sued for patent infringement?