What if a caller does not have an account in Salesforce?
Create an account for them.
What are the three main types of orders?
Gift Packages, Hot Meals, Visitation Meals.
If there is a payment error, what should we advise the caller?
Contact their bank.
Do we help with scheduling visits when we place meal orders?
No they need to contact the facility to schedule the visit.
What is the standard greeting for iCare?
Hello. Thank you for calling, my name is (NAME). Can I start by getting your first and last name?
Can a caller still place orders if they don't have a registered account?
It depends on the location.
Do you need to review the order?
Yes. The cost and items should be reviewed, but a full breakdown is not required.
Can items be replaced?
Items that are out of stock or restricted will be replaced with items of equal or greater value.
For FLDOC locations, how long does a new inmate have to set up an approved visitor list?
60 days
How do we confirm sensitive information?
We can give yes/no responses to information provided by the caller.
If the caller's account doesn't automatically come up at the start of the call where do you look for it?
The search bar in Salesforce.
What must you get permission for on every call before getting payment information?
Terms and Conditions.
Why would the order show as not complete?
Terms and Conditions have not been accepted.
What are some reasons for restrictions?
Health, punishment, facility security, not having an approved visitor list.
What is the ending statement of every call?
At the end of the call there is a one question survey. If you can give me a 5 I would really appreciate it. Thank you and have a great day.
What information is needed for an account?
First and last name, phone number, and an email (or auto-generated email).
Why would the item count be different in then item selection page and the checkout page?
The shopping page shows the total items and the checkout shows the unique items.
Is there a limit on packages a customer can purchase for an inmate?
There are limits to how many packages an inmate can receive. It is different for each location.
For FLDOC locations, who can place orders during the inmates first 60 days?
How do you handle a no-response call?
Ask if the caller is there and can hear you 3 times. If there is still no response: “Unfortunately if you are able to hear me, I am not able to hear you. If you still need assistance please contact us back."
How to tell if an account is registered on iCare?
B2C Customer ID.
What do you do to the call recording before taking payment information?
Secure Pause
If an inmate requires money on their books in order for the caller to make a purchase, can we help with their books?
No, direct them to Touch Pay or JPay.
What is the cutoff timeframe for visitation meal orders or changes?
72 hours prior.
What is the longest you should leave someone on pause without checking back on them?
2-3 minutes.