What is Wudu?
Wudu is the purification cleansing a Muslim does before certain acts
How many Nullifiers are in Wudu?
There are 7 nullifiers in Wudu
What is Ghusul
A purification bath for Muslims
What Hadith book did we go over?
40 Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi
Name a Surah that is named after a basic pillar of Al-Islam
Surah Hajj
How many steps are in Wudu?
There are 10 Steps to Wudu
Does shaking your dad's brother's hand break your wudu? why yes, why no?
No, because he is your Mahram, you cannot marry him.
How many steps are there in there in Ghusul?
7 steps
What is An-Nawawi's full name?
Yahya Ibn Sharaf An-Nawawi
Since Suratul Taubah doesn't have Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem, how many times has Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem appeared in the Quran and why?
114 times. Suratul Naml has two Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
What is the 10th step of Wudu and what are its requirements?
The 10th step of wudu is to wash your foot. You must also wash your ankle, heel, and in between your toes
What do you do if you are leading salah with 300 people and your Wudu breaks?
You step back to the side, and another person will continue leading salah, then you go and make wudu again
What are the 7 steps of Ghusul?
1: Intentions 2: Basmala 3: Wash hands 4: Private parts 5: Wudu 6: Body split 7: Foot
Who is the narrator of the first Hadith:
Umar Ibn Al-Khataab
How many Sajdahs are in the Quran (Sujud At-Tilawa?
15 Sajdahs
List all 10 steps of Wudu
What are the nullifiers of Wudu?
1: Anything that comes from the private parts.
2: Blood.
3: Vomit
4: Sleeping till you lose consciousness.
5: Losing Sanity.
6: Laughing out in Salah
7: Losing Sanity
When is Ghusul performed?
Which Companion narrated 7,500 hadith
Abu Hurairah
What Surah and Ayah number talk about Ramadan in the Quran?
Ayah 185 surah Baqarah
What is the replacement of Wudu if there is no water and how is it done?
Tayyamum.It is done with dry dirt.
Who made up the nullifiers of Wudu?
The nullifiers of wudu, or the actions that invalidate ablution, are derived from the Quran, Sunnah, ijma', and qiyas.
Which surah proves that Ghusul is legit
Surah Al-Maidah
What is the name of Hadith #40?
Definition of Islam, Iman, Ihasan
What Surah is the Mother of the Quran and which Surah is the heart of the Quran
Surah Al-Fatiha and Surat Yaseen