List possible locations for CPT meetings
Schools, day care, foster homes, homes, and other community based settings.
True or false: ICCs can be either a bachelor level staff or a master level staff
How many days do you have to complete your initial assessments?
A youth is able to stay enrolled with CSA for how many days if in a higher LOC or residential setting?
180 days
What ages will CSA service?
When is it appropriate to use telehealth as a service delivery?
When the family requests it, a CPT meeting, illness
What are the requirements to a be a FP?
lived experience raising your own child who has struggled with mental health and a GED/high school diploma
At intake, a CSA team should as a family if they have a _______________ in place already or not
safety plan
What does SED stand for and what are the buckets that determine an SED?
Serious Emotional Disturbance. Home, School, Community
Define the role of the FP
True of false: CPT meetings can occur without a caregiver
False. Meetings should not occur without caregivers
How many hours of supervision do ICCs and FPs require a week?
2 hours- individual and group (staff meeting)
What documents need to be completed within the first 2 weeks of services?
At what age does a youth age out of services?
Define the role of the ICC
List at least 4 key words FPs assist caregivers with
educating, supporting, coaching, modeling, guiding, teaching, empowering, identifying own resources
Who must CSA teams have the ability to consult with on a regular basis?
A child psychiatrist or a a psychiatric nurse practitioner
At how many days does the first CPT meeting need to take place, then how many days after that for the second, and then after the second?
28 days, 30 days, no less than quarterly
What are the documents needed from the HUB for a standalone FS&T to open?
Comp, CANS, treatment plan with goal written in for FP
How often do we update our paperwork?
Comp, SNCD: after intake, 90 days, and then every 180 days after that
CANS: every 180 days
ICP: within 7 days of CPT meeting
True or false: ICC is delivered in a manner that is consistent with Systems of Care philosophy and Wraparound planning principles and adheres to the four phases of Wraparound
How often does a chart need to be reviewed by a licensed clinician?
Every 90 days
How often should an ICC have contact with the family? And the FP?
Both weekly
True or false: a standalone FP can open with a youth who is in an independent living situation and is not in the family's home or returning to a family setting
Describe the discharge process