God on Earth
Jesus Christ
What God feels for every person on earth
Where the Holy Spirit lives
Within us
Who guided the process of writing The Bible?
When God made the world, and everything in the world, he saw that is was ____
When Jesus walked on this earth, he was fully
How we ask God for things we need
The Holy Spirit can help us do hard things because it gives us
The Bible is divided into 2 main sections. What are they?
The Old Testament, The New Testament
When something happens that reminds you of God in this world, we call it a
God sighting
Jesus was both human and _____
In Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the people of Israel that God is Holy and ________ in every way
Listening to the Holy Spirit can help us make the right
Who does the Bible point us to?
This is what happens to us when we sin
(hint: it has to do with our relationship with God)
It pushes us farther away from God
How Jesus saved us
Died for our sins on the cross
What God did in Genesis 1:1-7
Created the World
The Holy Spirit shows us the ______ so we know what really matters
What books of the Bible make up the Gospel? (the stories about Jesus, specifically)
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
When we played hide and seek, it was an example of what?
How God looks for us when we are lost
In John 1:1, John says that Jesus was __ ____, who was with God, and was God.
The Word
When God exists
in the past, present and future
When we blind folded each other and gave directions, the person giving directions what an example of how the Holy Spirit ______ __ all
Guides us
We know we can trust the Bible because
eyewitnesses who saw it happen
everything in the Bible fits together perfectly, even over thousands of years and translations
Copies of the Bible from thousands of years ago are consistent with our copies today
Jesus told us about the truth that the Old Testament contains when he was here on earth
We are not saved by the things we do, but by the gift of God's _______