slapping, choking, kicking, punching, or physical restraints. Is what type of abuse.
Physical abuse
What kind of ways to set personal boundary.
Being direct, State your limits, Start small, Be assertive, Make self-care a priority, Reflect on your past and present.
Insults, jealous accusations, yelling, put-downs, shoving, pushing or other abusive behaviors. Is what type of relationship?
Unhealthy relationships
Passive Communication is known as?
Racial slurs, not allowing someone to observe the dietary or dress customs of faith, or isolating someone who doesn't speak the dominant language where they are. Is what type of abuse
Cultural abuse
Why are personal boundaries so important?
To help determine what is and is not okay in a relationship.
True or False. Healthy relationships is when one person tells the other what to do, what to wear, and how to act.
Aggressive Communication is known as?
Expressing feelings, needs, and ideas at the expense of others. Ignoring others’ rights in order to support your own.
When someone controls all the budgeting & finances or running up debt in the other person’s name. Is what type of abuse.
Financial abuse
What are personal boundaries?
Personal boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships
Loyalty, trust,kindness and being able to share your feelings with your partner. Is what type of relationship?
Healthy relationship.
Passive-Aggressive Communication is known as?
Exerting control over others by using sarcasm and indirect communication, or avoiding the conversation. Appearing passive on the surface, but subtly acting out anger
When one partner through a series of actions or words wears away at the other’s sense of mental wellbeing and health. Is called what type of abuse?
What is the purpose of setting personal boundaries?
To prioritise our needs, protect our time and energy, and create a healthy balance in life that can promotes our health and happiness.
Telling your boyfriend/girlfriend that it's all their fault you are abusing them. Is an example of what type of relationships?
Unhealthy relationship.
Assertive Communication is known as?
Direct, honest communication of thoughts and feelings. Respecting the feelings, ideas, and needs of others while also asserting your own