Technique used to refill an intrathecal pain pump
STERILE technique
What should you leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve night?
milk and cookies
What volume should the low reservoir alarm be set to?
Which reindeer leads Santa's sleigh?
What is the newest name of Medtronic's intrathecal drug pump?
resting level of tension in a muscle
muscle tone
What might Santa put in your stocking if you are on the naughty list?
lump of coal
What medication should a pain pump patient have on hand in case of pump malfunction or overdose?
Should you meet another person beneath this plant, the rule is you must kiss. What is it?
Intrathecal therapy is the targeted delivery of the drug directly to the ___.
Is the syringe in gablofen kit sterile?
What brings Frosty the Snowman to life?
a magical hat
What must you always review prior to refilling/adjusting your patient's intrathecal pump?
Physician order
What gifts did the Three Kings, or wise men, bring to baby Jesus?
Gold, frankincense and myrrh
What are the 2 brands of intrathecal drug pumps we service?
Flowonix and Medtronic
When changing a drug or medication what must be programmed to account for drug remaining in the catheter?
bridge bolus
What’s the most popular type of Christmas tree?
Fraser fir
If a pocket fill is suspected, you should drain contents from pump (compare how much you injected), contact emergency services immediately and stay with patient to monitor until emergency services arrive.
Which city in France are the McCallisters visiting when they forget their 8-year-old son, Kevin, in “Home Alone”?
In what way should you prepare the pump site with the cleansing agent? (Hint: direction of cleansing)
clean from the center outward in a circular motion
scale we use (listed on visit note) to measure degree of muscle tone
Ashworth scale
Which soda manufacturer is thought to have cemented the rosy-cheeked, bearded Santa Claus associated with Christmas today?
an ADULT parent or caregiver
How long is the average growing time for a Christmas tree?
7 years
Prior to refilling the intrathecal pump with a new drug or concentration what much you rinse the reservoir with?