Whose approval is needed for Partner changes to their Results Framework?
Trocaire Sierra Leone Country Team
For how long is the ICSP Grant?
5 years (2023-2027)
What is the cost of assets that need to be maintained in a register, from procurement to disposal under the ICSP grant?
Over 1,000 Euros
Whose approval is needed for changing the overall ICSP Results Framework for Trocaire Sierra Leone?
Irish Aid
How much is the total ICSP Grant given to Trocaire Sierra Leone?
1.4 million Euros
What is the cost of an asset that requires Irish Aid approval before disposal?
100,000 Euros or higher (must be original cost)
Trocaire Sierra Leone Country Office approval is needed if partner expenditure on main budget lines/or outcomes is what?
15% or higher
How much is the total Climate Fund allocation under ICSP?
340,500 Euros
What is the cost of an asset that requires Irish Aid notification of disposal?
1,000 Euros or higher; Disposal method and explanation of if any funds were earned from the disposal for aims of ICSP required as well
Irish Aid approval is needed if Trocaire Sierra Leone Country Office on main budget lines/or outcomes is what?
20% or higher
Trocaire is allowed to carry a maximum of what percentage of their overall allocation into the next year of ICSP?
15% maximum
Records for ICSP must be kept for how long after Grant end?
5 years (until December 2032).
When is approval needed for Irish Aid communications and visibility?
What are two incidences that require immediate notification of Irish Aid and Incident Reporting?
Safeguarding violations and Fraud