What website allows you to create online trivia exercises?
Benefits of blended learning
Personalize Learning, Flexibility, Accesibility
Which Google extension can help improve your English?
On which website did "BROADBAND" appear?
WEB 2.0
What website allows you to create surveys for free?
Google Forms
Students work from home and occasionally receive in-person instruction.
Online Driver Model
Website that can generate educational games.
On which web, people were only received information.
WEB 1.0
What websites are similar to a whiteboard?
Padlet and Jamboard
How many pillars are there in the flipped classroom?
Four Pilars
GoodWordGuide what is it?
Automatic English Dictionary
On which website does Facebook appear?
Web 2.0
An artificial intelligence focused on the creation of slides.
What model combines online and face to face instruction?
Blended Learning
An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that comprise it
Idiomatics Expressions
Web 3.0 is also called
Intelligent Web or the Semantic Web