A place for students to study but for some reason is in SIM
SUSS Study Corner
What analytical framework helps understand and evaluate the benefits and uses of collaboration tools?
A) Time/task matrix
B) Space/cost matrix
C) Time/space matrix
D) Time/cost matrix
In 2024, this baby hippo from Thailand's Khao Kheow Open Zoo had gone viral.
Moo Deng
Where is the Vatican city?
Name our SUSS President, SUSS Dean and SST Dean
A: Professor Casey How, Professor Homin Park, Professor Grandee Lee
B: Professor Tan Tai Yong, Professor Cheah Horn Mun, Professor Tan Teng Hooi
C: Professor Tan Teng Hooi, Professor Zhu Yongqing, Professor Casey How
D: Professor Tan Tai Yong, Professor Cheah Horn Mun, Professor Zhu Yongqing
What are the conditions for a deadlock? (Select all that are applicable.)
I: Mutual exclusion
II: Hold and wait
III: Poor internet connection
IV: No preemption
V: Shared access
I, II & IV
In 2015, a song released by Mediacorp became viral overnight. (Hint: Lyrics include "I so stunned like vegetable")
Unbelievable (sang by Chen Tian Wen)
What is the capital of Australia?
Canberra (NS12)
How many official major based IGs do we have in SUSS? (Bonus if you can list ALL)
1. Business Analytics Interest Group (BAIG)
2. Human Resource Management Interest Group (HRMIG)
3. Marketing Interest Group (MKTIG)
4. Public Safety & Security Interest Group (PSSIG)
5. Supply Chain Management Interest Group (SCMIG)
6. Accountancy Interest Group (SAIG)
7. Early Childhood Education Interest Group (ECEIG)
8. Psychology Interest Group (PsyConnect)
9. Information Communication Technology Interest Group (ICTIG)
10. SUSS-Institute of Public Relations of Singapore (SUSS-IPRS)
Main threat to the Wireless Access Point? (Hint: __ access to __)
Unauthorised access to network
In 2016, a killing of an animal at the US Cincinnati Zoo sparked controversy and even birthed a movement online.
Name 3 countries starting with the letters S, O, C. (For S, Singapore will not be counted.)
S: Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria
O: Oman
C: Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic
Singapore has several government bodies dedicated to technology, innovation, and digital transformation.
Please list 3 of them. (If they are acronyms, please write out their full names.)
Some examples include:
- Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
- GovTech (Government Technology Agency)
- Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA)
- A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)
- and other acceptable answers.