What's the name of this iD Tech location? (College/University)
UMKC (University of Missouri Kansas City)
Name 3 movies that star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
Skyscraper, Fast & Furious 5-8, Jumanji, Rampage, etc.
What game series is this character from?
Legend of Zelda
Which instructor is the tallest?
Name the three primary colors
Red, Yellow, Blue
Name 3 of the founding fathers
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc.
Name any Studio Ghibli movie
Ponyo, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, etc.
What are the range of ages that can go to iD Tech?
What is the longest-running animated TV show of all time?
The Simpsons
A lot of games have something called NPCs in them. What does NPC stand for?
Non-Player Character
List all the first-year instructors
Dev, Delphi, Bert, Mr. Turtle
Give an example of a palindrome
bob, racecar, tacocat, wow, etc.
Who is famous for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man during the 1960s and because of this, is considered a civil-rights icon?
Rosa Parks
What Anime is this character from?
One-Punch Man
iD Tech is the nation's go-to summer STEM educator. What does STEM stand for?
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
ten movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, etc.
Which video game series has the biggest number of games?
Super Mario
Which instructor(s) went to college out of State? (Not Kansas or Missouri?)
RAD or Delphi
Name three countries that have won the World Cup before
Germany, Brazil, Argentina, England, Spain, France, Italy, Uruguay
Name seven countries in Africa
Egypt, Sudan, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Chad, etc.
What is the name given to Anime with a focus on action that is also part of the name of a popular Manga magazine in Japan?
What year did iD Tech start in?
Name 5 cartoon shows that began between the years 2000-2009
Teen Titans, Phineas & Ferb, The Last Airbender, etc.
What game is this the cover of?
Hollow Knight
Which instructor has taught the most different classes this summer?
Name the four seas that are named after colors
Black Sea, Red Sea, Yellow Sea, White Sea
Name three US presidents with beards
Lincoln, Harrison, Hayes, Garfield, Grant
A popular meme on the internet is that ___________ is the best anime of all time, despite this show not actually being an anime (or even animated).
Corey in the House
Who is the current CEO of iD Tech?
Pete Ingram-Cauchi
Name five people who have won Academy Awards
Matthew McConaughey, Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, etc.
Tell us who said six of these catchphrases or the game series they're from:
1. Hadouken!
2. Get Over Here!
3. The Cake is a lie
4. Objection!
6. Your Princess is in another castle
7. A man chooses, a slave obeys!
8. Don't worry luvs! Cavalry's Here!
9. Hey! Look! Listen!
1. Ryu (Street Fighter)
2. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
3. GlaDos (Portal)
4. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
5. Otacon/Colonel (Metal Gear Solid)
6. Toad (Mario)
7. Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)
8. Tracer (Overwatch)
9. Navi (Legend of Zelda)
List the Instructors in order from oldest to youngest
MO, RAD, Delphi, Mr. Turtle, Bert, Dev
List and describe 5 famous internet memes
Trollface, Spongegar, Dat Boi, Spaghet, Smash Mouth, etc.
Put these famous wars in order from oldest to newest:
WWII, WWI, Korean War, Civil War, Revolutionary War, Gulf War, Vietnam War
Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War
Name ten characters from any one of these anime
1. Dragonball Z
2. Naruto
3. One Piece
4. My Hero Academia
5. Fullmetal Alchemist
Too many to list