When does the library close during finals?
The READ scale rating of helping a student fid the bathroom
What is a READ scale rating of 1?
5-10 minutes before the scheduled start time.
The Moody Bible Institute was founded in this year
When is 1886?
The primary medium of communication amongst all library staff
What is Teams?
Where is the music collection located?
By the study room in the Southwest corner of the library.
A Repository of past reference assistance
What is Gimlet?
How often should an IDA walk around the main stacks?
Every hour.
The Moody library is named after this person
Who is Henry C. Crowell
A machine used to digitize items
What is a Bookeye?
What is the Commuter Center and the Lounge?
How much of a work can a patron request be digitized?
10% or one chapter, whichever is larger.
If a task is left undone during your shift or at the end of the day what should an IDA do?
Tell their relief and notify the UX Librarian via Teams.
Place that paper for the library staff printer is stored
What is room 007?
Where students check schedules and give up shifts
What is LibStaffer?
Items on display outside Director Linton's office
What are Codex Sinaiticus and The Leningrad Codex?
Five Laws of Library Science (at least 3, may be stolen if you know more)
What are:
1. Books Are For Use
2. Every Reader His/Her Book
3. Every Book Its Reader
4. Save The Time Of The Reader
5. The Library Is A Growing Organism?
A rotating task to be done once a month
What is shelf reading?
The Father of Dragons in Tolkien's Middle Earth
Who is Ancalagan the Black?
Platform to check for active digitization requests
What is ALMA?
What is the proper procedure in an active shooter situation?
Grab the 008 key, close the lower level doors, walk through the stacks quickly gathering students, gather in 008, and turn off all the lights in the room.
A useful journal database for psychology majors and MAC students that focuses on development up to but not into adulthood
What is Child Development & Adolescent Studies
When a damaged book is found an IDA should?
Fill out a book tag (located at the front desk) then place it in the book, check it out to mending, then put it on the appropriate shelf in Technical Services (beside Jonathan McDaniel's desk).
In the Count of Monte Cristo upon whom does Edmond Dantes directly seek revenge?
Gerard de Villefort, Baron Danglars, and Ferdend Mondego
What are ALMA, Gimlet, LibChats, Library Online email, and Teams.