What is Idaho's State flower?
The syringa
What landform is made from compacted rocks made into large ranges?
Name one of the six main Indian tribes of Idaho.
Nez Pearce, Courdelaine, Bannock, Shoshone, Kootenai, Kalispel
What is Idaho's state animal?
The Appaloosa
What landform is like a mountain but a flat top?
A plateau
What is something native Americans ate?
camas root, fish, clams, berries, animal meat, etc.
What is Idaho's state fish?
The rainbow trout
What river is the longest river in Idaho?
The snake river
What type of houses did native americans live in?
Tipis, sweathouses, longhouses
What did Emma Edwards create for the state flag?
The great seal
What is the term for the flat land often found near rivers in Idaho?
A plain
What is a pictograph or petroglyph?
A pictograph is a symbol painted on a rock.
A petroglyph is a symbol scratched inta o rock.
What is the state gem of Idaho?
Star garner
What landform connects to land formations over a body of water?
An isthmus
What were the roles of Native American men, women, and children?
Men hunted and traded. Women gathered and took care of their families. Kids learned the traditions and helped by small hunting and gathering.