War & Peace
Who Said It?
Crazy Thoughts

Can a positive value like humor, self-discipline, or perseverance be overused?

a) yes
b) no

a) yes

What things do you know that you overdo?
What things would other people who know you well say that you overdo?


The most important figure in Christianity is:

a) Moses
b) the Dalai Lama
c) Billy Graham
d) the Pope
e) Jesus

e) Jesus

Were you raised with religious teachings?
What values are most important to your faith?


Who Wrote "War and Peace?"

a) Dr. Seuss
b) Leo Tolstoy
c) General Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower
d) Anne Frank
e) Jim Morrison

b) Leo Tolstoy 

Who or what are you at war with?
What allows you to experience peace?


Who said, "Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do."

a) Joseph Stalin               b) Shaquille O'Neal
c) Greta Thunberg           d) Rip Van Winkle

b) Shaquille O'Neal

What habits make you feel a sense of pride?

What habit would benefit you the most?


Which is NOT a dumb product that made millions?

a) Pet Rock
b) the Flobee vacuum haircut
c) Chia Pets
d) Toothies
e) Snuggies

d) Toothies

Have you ever had a dumb idea that worked out well?


If you value "self-regulation," you would likely:

a) sing opera at weddings
b) find beauty in nature
c) care for the poor, ill, or underprivileged
d) be organized and get tasks done on time
e) have a flexible attitude toward responsibility

d) be organized and get tasks done on time

Has there ever been a time when being organized or getting tasks done on time caused you a  problem?


What is the world's largest religion?

a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Judaism
d) atheist / agnostic
e) Buddhism

b) Christianity

What are the central ideas of Christianity?


What was said to be "The war to end all wars?"

a) Revolutionary War        b) Civil War
c) World War I                  d) World War II
e) Viet Nam War               f) Milagro Beanfield War

c) World War I   

Does the idea of a 'war to end all wars' make sense to you?

Do you know what WWI was given this label?


Who said, "Life is like a box of chocolates."

a) Forrest Gump              b) Donald Trump
c) Donald Grump             d) Forrest Grump

a) Forrest Gump

What does the expression mean?
What part of your life has been most unpredictable?


True or False:  The Nazis were the first people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and anti-tobacco movement.

a) true
b) false

a) true

Have you ever tried a vape or cigarette?  Why?


What is usually considered to be the most important value?

a) spirituality         b) discipline       c) education
d) love                  e) hard work      f) humor

d) love 

Who or what do you truly love?


True or False: Muslims believe that Jesus is the Messiah, was born of a virgin, performed miracles, had disciples, was rejected by the Jewish establishment, and was raised to heaven.

a) true
b) false

a) true - Muslims, don't believe that he was the son of God, but do see Jesus as a prophet.

What is your idea of a Muslim?
Where did those ideas come from?


Aggressive war was prohibited by international law in 1945.

a) true
b) false

a) true - it was part of the UN Charter

Why is peace between nations or peace between individuals so difficult?
What does it feel like to be at peace?


Who said, "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

a) Benjamin Franklin        b) Michael Jordan
c) Cher                           d) Anne Frank

a) Benjamin Franklin

How do you learn the best?
What are you most proud of learning?


Snubby has been mayor the the Alaskan town of Talkeetna since July of 1997.  Snubby is a cat.

a) true

b) false

False the name of the cat is Stubbs but the rest is true.


What is NOT a meaning for the word VALUE?

a) the things that you believe are important in life
b) the monetary worth of something
c) to regard highly or think much of someone or thing
d) to exterminate something

d) to exterminate something

Who most values you as a person?
Who do you most value?


How many religions are there in the world?

a) 7
b) 23
c) about 900
d) about 4200

d) about 4200 according to religious scholars

What do you think about there being so many religions?


What is NOT true about countries that practice gender equality ?
   a) they tend to be more peaceful
   b) they are less apt to engage in war
   c) they have less violence against women
   d) gender diversity boosts business performance
   e) children become confused about gender roles

e) children become confused about gender roles

What comes to mind when you think about the "role of a woman" in a family?

What do you think the way you do?


Who said, "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." 

a) Rex Tillerson               b) Beyonce
c) Tom Hanks                  d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

What does it mean to be "at the end of your rope?"

When have you felt that way.


Which of the following is NOT true?
a) butterflies taste with their hind feet.
b) a group of crows is called murder.
c) garlic butter tastes good on cinnamon toast
d) tomato sauce was sold in the 1800's as medicine.
e) a donkey will sink in quicksand, but a mule won't.

c) garlic butter tastes good on cinnamon toast

Ca'mon, you're being silly

Do you like strange facts?
What is strange or different about you?


An example of cognitive dissonance (a mismatch between one's thoughts, beliefs & behavior).

a) a soldier who is sensitive and artistic
b) a vegetarian owning a steak restaurant
c) a karate master visiting a temple
d) a senator owning a poodle

b) a vegetarian owning a steak restaurant

Give an example of a mismatch between something you believe and something that you do.


What is NOT one of the 5 "rules" for Buddhists?

a) Refrain from taking life
b) Refrain from stealing
c) Refrain from sexual misconduct & misuse of the senses
d) Refrain from wrong speech (lying or gossiping)
e) Refrain from work on holy days

e) Refrain from work on holy days

the last of the 5 Buddhist precepts is"
Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind. 

What comes to mind when you think of Buddhism?

What percentage of the casualties of armed conflict since WWII have been civilians?

a) 4%             b) 14%         c) 39%
d) 51%           e) 90%

e) 90%

Since 3600 BC, over 14,500 major wars have killed nearly four billion people.

Why do we fight?


Who said, “Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning."

a) Justin Bieber               b) Kamala Harris
c) Winston Churchill         d) Matt Damon

c) Winston Churchill
He was Prime Minister of England during WWII

What does it mean?
What value is most important to you?


The national animal of Scotland is:

a) Scottish Terrier
b) cow
c) highland cattle
d) unicorn
e) Belfast boar

d) unicorn

The unicorn was adopted as Scotland's national animal by King Robert in the late 1300s.

Do you believe in unicorns?
