All Heat Sources
What would you do?

Select the best question to determine the source of heat energy. 

a) Does the time of day affect the temperature?

b) Does running faster on the sand make it warmer?

Does the time of the day affect the temperature?


Select the best question to determine the source of heat energy. 

a) Could the heat be produced with only one hand?

b) Would the heat be affected if you did this under the bed?

Could the heat be produced with only one hand?


Which question is the best question to ask to determine the source of heat energy?

a) Did you plug it in to increase the temperature?

b) Is a flame produced?

Is a flame produced?


Genesis had a snickers chocolate bar in her book bag. When she decided to eat it at lunch time, she realized that it had melted. What is a question you can ask to determine what caused her chocolate to melt?

a) What is the temperature of the room?

b) What size is the coat?

c) How many students are in the room?

What is the temperature of the room?


You're invited to a bonfire in December. You lost your jacket and began to feel cold. What do you do?

a) plug in a mini fridge

b) knit a hat

c) stand by the bonfire and rub your hands together

d) make an excuse to leave the party

 stand by the bonfire and rub your hands together


Select the best question to determine the source of heat energy. 

a) Does the mountain’s height make it melt faster?

b) Does the mountain melt more at certain times of day?

Does the mountain melt more at certain times of day?


Which question is the best question to ask to determine the source of heat energy?

a) Would they have the same results at night?

b) Would they have the same result with only one object?

Would they have the same result with only one object?


Which question help you best determine the source of heat?

a) Who made the carne asada?

b) What was the temperature of the grill?

c) What was the weather?

What was the temperature of the grill?


A kid went to a friend’s house for a sleepover.  The friend’s mom gave each of them an ice cream cone to eat outside. The ice cream began to melt quicker than they could eat it. What is the best question they can ask to find the source of heat that caused the ice cream to melt?

a) What are the length and width of the ice cream cones?

b) What kind of ice cream cones were they?

c) What was the temperature outside?

What was the temperature outside?


Twenty years later, you decide to have a rematch at tug - o - war with the winning class. What question can help you know why your hands are hot after pulling the rope?

a) Did Ms. Hardy's class win again?

b) Was the sun burning the rope?

c) Did someone put the rope in the oven?

d) Was the rope being pulled from your hands?

Was the rope being pulled from your hands?


Kona Ice came to Meadowcreek and students were getting hot waiting in line. What questions can you ask to determine what caused the students to get hot?

What is the temperature outside?


Ms. Lambert’s dogs are running on the treadmill. After a few minutes she notices that their paws are hot. What questions can you ask to determine what caused their paws to get hot?Justify your thinking.

Where the dogs paws sliding back and forth on the treadmill?


Remy is helping Linguini cook a pancake. What question can you ask to determine what causes the pancake to cook?

a) What is Remy's dad going to think?

b) Is the stove gas on high?

c) What is the weather outside?

Is the stove gas on high?


A student climbed to the top of the rope in gym class. When he got back to the floor, his hands were very hot and he noticed there were some blisters on the palms of his hands. What question does the school nurse need to ask to determine the heat source that caused the blisters?

a) How long was the rope?

b) Did you fall off of the rope?

c) Did you slide down the rope?

Did you slide down the rope?


You decide to go hiking in November. It's a little chilly as you go up the trail. You decide to take a break to warm up a bit. What do you do?

a) stand under a tree

b) lay on the cool earth ground

d) sit under a sunny spot

 sit under a sunny spot


Santiago goes to the park during the summer. He tries to go down the metal slide, but it is too hot. Which question will best help Santiago understand why the slide is so hot?

a) Is the slide straight or curved?
b) Is the Sun shining on the slide?
c) Are there other slides to play on?
d) Are there other children near the slide?

Is the Sun shining on the slide?


Aylin was having so much fun going down the slide at the fair. Towards the end, she slid off the mat and got a tiny burn mark on her elbow. Which question can help identify how Aylin got burned?

Question may vary


For Dustin's 42nd birthday, he ordered a cake. He placed 42 candles on the cake and waited for everyone to gather around him so he can sing. They took a long time and when Dustin looked down, his cake had begun melting. Which question can Dustin ask to know why his cake melted?

a) What size is the cake?

b) Did the candles warm up the cake?

c) Was the cake moving back and forth?

Did the candles warm up the cake?


Which type of energy can be produced by mixing, rubbing, and burning?

a) light
b) heat



You enter a cooking show but you have to bring all your ingredients and cooking tools. The winner gets $10,000 so you decide to make your famous grilled cheese sandwich. As you start cooking, you realize you did not bring your portable stove. What do you do?

a) Quit and go home!

b) look for matches 

c) change the recipe and make a salad

look for matches
