The Truth Comes Out
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Bob looked at the lions. He was surprised that lions were so big. They looked bigger than the hyenas he had seen earlier. He was glad his class was able to take this field trip. Where did Bob most like go? a. the petting farm b. the local zoo c. a Safari
b. the local zoo
"Where is my book?" said Ann. "I can't find it." Ann looked and looked, but she could not find her lost book. She knew she would be in trouble, but she had to eat breakfast before the bus came. Ann is looking for her book: a. at night b. before dinner c. in the morning.
c. in the morning
"Where is my book?" said Ann. "I can't find it." Ann looked and looked, but she could not find her lost book. She knew she would be in trouble, but she had to eat breakfast before the bus came. Which is probably false... a. Ann never had a book b. Ann wanted her book. c. Ann lost her book.
a. Ann never had a book.
Betty got a book about making boats. The next day she began to make one. After ten days, Betty went fishing in her boat. Which of the following is true: a. Betty had a boat b. Betty could read c. Betty went fishing.
c. Betty went fishing.
"Where is my book?" said Ann. "I can't find it." Ann looked and looked, but she could not find her lost book. She knew she would be in trouble, but she had to eat breakfast before the bus came. What is Ann going to do next? a. eat breakfast b. get dressed c. get on the bus.
a. eat breakfast.
Rosa went up the tree. She could see the swings far away. Her cat was playing with a boy's dog. She loved days like this. Rosa is a. at the park b. in her back yard c. at school
a. at the park
Rosa went up the tree. She could see the swings far away. Her cat was playing with a boy's dog. She loved days like this. When does the story take place? a. in the winter b. in the summer c. at night d. on the weekend.
d. on the weekend
Rosa went up the tree. She could see the swings far away. Her cat was playing with a boy's dog. She loved days like this. Which is NOT true... a. Rosa is content b. Rosa is a good climber. c. Rosa doesn't like cats.
c. Rosa doesn't like cats.
Mary looked at her bike. It looked old. She frowned and counted her money. Then, she went to the store and came back with a can of paint. Which of the following is true... a. Mary bought a can of paint. b. Mary doesn't like her bike. c. Mary has a bike.
c. Mary has a bike
Jim found a toy in the park. He was going to take it home. Then, he saw a little boy crying. Jim began to walk towards the boy. What will Jim do next? a. laugh at the boy b. give the boy the toy c. run past the boy to go home.
b. give the boy the toy
"Do you have change for a dollar?" asked Jake. "The gumball machine only takes dimes." "Yes," said Mr. Brown. "Here is change for your dollar." Mr. Brown took Jake's dollar and gave him the change. Jake and Mr. Brown are both probably a. at the park b. at the store c. at school
b. at the store.
"Do you have change for a dollar?" asked Jim. "The gumball machine only takes dimes." "Yes," said Mr. Brown. "Here is change for your dollar." Mr. Brown took Jim's dollar and gave him the change. Which is an inference (probably true)? a. Mr. Brown didn't have much money. b. Jim wanted to buy gum c. Mr. Brown is Jake's teacher.
b. Jim wanted to buy gum.