Who/what is created in God's image?
You can hide things from God. True or False?
How did God show his love for you?
Sent His Son to die for our sins
If anyone wants to follow after me, let him _____ himself, take up his cross _____, and follow me.
Deny, daily
Who wrote the book of Romans?
I praise you because I have been __________ and __________ made.
Fearfully, wonderfully
Jesus cannot really understand the things we face because he has never experienced them. True or False?
Love is _______. Love is ________.
patient, kind
What does it mean to take up your cross? Does not have to be word for word.
Be obedient to Jesus, be willing to die for His sake, and follow God's will
But you have received the spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry out, "_______ ________."
Abba Father
Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the ______ and perfecter of our faith.
Why don't we know the darkest secrets or biggest dreams of most celebrities? Or even each other?
They/we put up a mask and conceal these thoughts
What is the word we used to describe worldly love? OR What is the word we used to describe Godly love?
Feeling OR Action
We are called to be _______ and make ________.
Why do we pray?
To INVITE God into our circumstances
What book in the Bible explains what and how we were formed by God? I'll accept two answers.
Genesis, Psalms
Our Lord is great, vast in ______; his understanding is ________.
power, infinite
What is God's greatest commandment?
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
For whoever wants to save his life will ______ it, but whoever loses his life because of me and the gospel will _____ it.
Lose, save
What is the cause of death during a crucifixion?
How did I represent our relationships with God during this message? Hint: object
What are the two ways to interpret the idea of being known by God fully?
Hide from it or find comfort in it
What other relationship does the marriage between a man and a woman represent?
Jesus and the Church
It is hard for us to follow God's commandments because we have a ______ problem.
What is the main difference between Christianity and other religions?
You are saved by FAITH not by works