Food Idioms
Colour Idioms
Animal Idioms
Weather Idioms
Money Idioms

They were twins, but apples and oranges. Joe was very shy and liked art, but Jimmy was really outgoing and loved sports.

very different


I was sick for a few weeks. The doctor gave me the green light to go back to work.

To get permission to do something


He had butterflies in his stomach while waiting for the results of his exam

feeling very nervous


There's no way we will be going to the beach, it's raining cats and dogs out there!”

Raining very heavily


You see? Fluids and rest were all you needed to beat that cold. You're already looking like a million bucks compared to yesterday!

To look and feel fantastic


“Were you at the football game last night? The stadium was packed like sardines.”

very crowded


Once in a blue moon I go camping with my friends I haven’t gone in a long time.

Very rarely


The teacher didn’t even know he walked into the class because he was as quiet as a mouse.

Very quiet


Wow, did you see Usain win the race? He was lightning fast!

Extremely fast


His wife chooses not to work, so Robert has to bring home the bacon.

To earn money, to achieve success


The manager was fired from his job after making such a huge mistake, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

That is just how it is


Samantha was rather nervous taking her final exam, but she passed with flying colors!

To pass something with a high score


He eats like a horse - there's never enough left for everyone else once he's been at the buffet.

Eat a lot, in large quantities


She has just returned from her vacation, but is feeling under the weather and has a sore throat and running nose.

To feel mildly ill or sick


He should listen to his parents and appreciate their hard work because they're right, money doesn't grow on trees.

It is not easy to get money, implies that the person you are addressing spends money too easily


I want Chris to help me with this project, but he said he has to go to see his uncle at the hospital. He clearly has bigger fish to fry right now. 

Have more important things to do


I always wanted to be my own boss and now that I am, I’m working harder than ever before and I'm tired. The grass is always greener on the other side.

People think that they will be happier if things were different


I have to go to the bank, and on the way back, I'll pick up the groceries as well, killing two birds with one stone.

To solve two problems with one action


accomplish two different things at the same time  


I've been on cloud nine ever since I got my dream job.

Very happy


He was bald yesterday and now he has a head full of hair... his hair is as phony as a 3 dollar bill.

Something is fake


I met someone in my dancing class and now we're friends. A few weeks later and we're like two peas in a pod; we both enjoy dancing and bicycling around the city.

Nearly identical, very similar


After the best player on the other team got injured, Jim's team had a golden opportunity to win the game.

A very good chance to achieve something


At first she wasn't telling anyone, but she let the cat out of the bag and finally told her parents about her plans of getting married.

A secret that was supposed to be kept quiet that was told


My brother had his head in the clouds during the game. When they passed him the ball he didn't see it coming and it knocked him in the head.

to not be paying attention


You said you would support the food truck if they started selling fish tacos. Put your money where your mouth is!

To do something rather than just to talk about it
