Butter someone up
Being nice to someone for selfish reasons.
To stumble OR to take a vacation
Hold your horses
Be patient and wait.
Costs and arm and a leg.
Something that is very expensive.
Worth 25 cents OR 15 minutes past the hour
That's my bread and butter
Someone's main thing they like or do that is necessary.
dog sound OR part of a tree
The elephant in the room
An issue, person, or problem someone is trying to avoid.
Bite of more than you can chew
Not able to finish something because it's too much or too hard to do.
A direction OR to go somewhere else.
That is the way the cookie crumbles
That is just how it is and you can't change it.
something that isn't soft OR is difficult
Counting your chickens before they hatch
Don't count on something until after it happens.
Break a leg
To wish someone good luck.
Part of the alphabet OR something you get and send in the mail.
Wild goose chase
Doing something that's pointless or won't ever work.
By the skin of your teeth
Barely making it
To go lower OR soft fluff of a bird
An adjective to describe someone smart OR an adjective to describe something that gives off a lot of light
Straight from the horse's mouth.
A gift OR describing what is happening right now.