" _____________________, why should you care what other people think!"
What is "take it with a pinch of salt"?
Serving the homeless, I ______________ and realized how lucky I was.
What is "walking in one's shoes"?
When I got into a disagreement with my family and my headache got worse, it was __________________________.
What is "the straw that broke the camel's back"?
"Once your little sister is born, your old clothes will be a ______________."
What is "hand me down"?
Life isn't always _______________ there's always a grey area!
What is "black and white"?
"What my ______________ for sports is different from other people"
What is "cup of tea"?
"The deadline is in a few days, let's ____________ and get the job done!"
What is "buckle down"?
No more _______________, let's get some work done now.
What is "monkey business"?
"Let me unpack the groceries and then I'll be _____________!"
What is "all ears"?
I got a stomachache unexpectedly ____________.
What is "out of the blue"?
When I ________________, it's a very rewarding feeling.
What is "bring home the bacon"?
"Well we have a couple of hours to kill, let's do something ___________.
What is "off the cuff"?
Random scam phone calls from people are _________________.
What is a "wolf in sheep's clothing"?
One way or another you are going to have to _____________ if you get caught.
What is "face the music"?
It _______ me_______ when I saw my dad help me with my chores since I was busy with studying.
What is "tickled me pink"?
Jim doesn't do writing for fun it's his ______________.
What is the "bread and butter"?
I'll probably can _________________ and help you with making a reservation last minute.
What is "pull some strings"?
"Don't __________________ otherwise our last few days of work will go to waste!
What is "let the cat out of the bag"?
"Good luck with the play, go_______________ ".
What is "break a leg"?
"I'm __________, I still don't have a Mother's Day gift"
What is "in the red"?
"Be _______________ and don't mention anything about the surprise party in front of mom!"
What is "as cool as cucumber"?
Sydney _____________________, it can be very hard for her to keep her composure when something dramatic happens.
What is "wear one's heart on one's sleeve"?
Serena was ___________ when her boyfriend proposed to her.
What is "clam up"?
"My mom is _________ when the whole family is late."
What is "an earful"?
"Go home if you're not feeling well, otherwise you'll ______________."
What is "blacked out"?