Piece of cake
A task or activity that is easy to complete
Green thumb
Natural ability to grow plants
Fish out of water
To feel out of place in a particular situation.
Couch potato
A lazy person who watches too much TV or is always on a screen
Hold your horses
Wait or slow down
Spill the beans
Reveal the truth/Tell the secret
Caught red-handed
Caught in the act of doing something wrong. They saw you with their own eyes.
Chickened out
Didn't do something because of fear
Money doesn't grow on trees
Used to remind someone that money is limited and shouldn’t be spent carelessly.
Cool as a cucumber
Relaxed and unbothered
Tickled pink
Very pleased or delighted
Elephant in the room
An obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about
Foot the bill
Pay for something
Not my cup of tea
Not something I enjoy
An innocent lie usually to protect someone else's feelings
Let the cat out of the bag
Revealed a secret that was supposed to be kept quiet
Steal my thunder
When someone does what you were going to do before you have a chance to do it or gets the attention/praise for something you did.