bread and butter
refers to a task/hobby that someone is very good at
be jealous
Elephant in the room
a controversial issue too big to ignore
Raining cats and dogs
Raining very heavily
Look like a million bucks
To look and feel fantastic
cup of tea
something you prefer
Out of the blue
Like a fish out of water
being uncomfortable in a situation
Break the ice
to get a conversation started in a social situation
Bite the bullet
That is the way the cookie crumbles
That is just how it is
To pass with flying colours
To pass something with a high score
Wouldnt hurt a fly
very gentle
A storm is brewing
something bad is coming
Go back to the drawing board
Start over
Have bigger fish to fry
Have more important things to do
tickled pink
very excited
Kill two birds with one stone
To solve two problems with one action
Take a rain check
refuse an offer in a polite way, save it for next time
missed the boat
Too late
Take with a pinch of salt
Not completely believe what you are being told
A golden opportunity
A very good chance to achieve something
Let the cat out of the bag
A secret that was supposed to be kept quiet that was told
Head in the clouds
Have unrealistic or impractical ideas
cutting corners
to take shortcuts in doing something